
Internship Opportunities at Federal Agencies #AAPIFederalIntern

A Twitter Town Hall chat hosted by the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

  1. USDA has opps in many fields for any degree - #FoodSafety, economics, veterinary, #environment, #IT & much more. #AAPIFederalIntern
  2. Join us! MT @whitehouseaapi: Starting at 3PM ET Twitter Town Hall on Federal Internships. Start tweeting your Qs with #AAPIFederalIntern
  3. Looking fwd to the #AAPIFederalIntern Town Hall today! Wenndy Carrasco ^WC answering your Qs from @USDA. Can't wait to answer your Qs
  4. USDA offers paid, unpaid & academic credit internship opportunities- we'll hire approx 5,000 this yr #AAPIFederalIntern
  5. What are the possibility for Pacific Islander students who are Non-US to be selected for your internship programs? #AAPIFederalIntern
  6. .@ktugruwfaimaw USDA has facilities on the islands as well! Check our jobs page for future opps: #AAPIFederalIntern
  7. #AAPIFederalIntern what interns are available for those seeking experience in #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy infrastructure development?
  8. Interested in IT, Computer Science? We're a great agency to work with - contact me for more info ^WC #AAPIFederalIntern
  9. @USDA I would be glad to hear more about this opportunity. This has been a focus for me awhile.
  10. @USDA any opps for an Agbusiness graduate interested in either inspection or christmas tree/specialty crop farming? #AAPIFederalIntern
  11. .@jmacfire We also have opps for temporary seasonal #jobs for young adults/students thru @ForestService: #conservation
  12. @USDA those look perfect thanks for the help! Hope to join your team soon!

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