Four LBA-ECO Data Sets Released

The ORNL DAAC and the LBA DIS announce the release of four data sets associated with the LBA-ECO component of the Large Scale Biosphere- Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA).

Three of these data sets contain GIS layers (ESRI *.e00 or *.shp formatted) constructed from measurements taken in selectively harvested logging areas. Harvesting techniques, projections, and available data vary:

  • LBA-ECO LC-13 GIS Coverages of Logged Areas, Cauaxi, Para, Brazil: 1996, 1998. Data set prepared by Gregory P. Asner.

  • LBA-ECO LC-13 GIS Coverages of Logged Areas, Juruena, Mato Grosso, Brazil: 2002. Data set prepared by Gregory P. Asner, Michael M. Keller, Rodrigo A. Pereira Jr., Johan C. Zweede, and Jose N.M. Silva.

  • LBA-ECO LC-13 GIS Coverages of Logged Areas, Tapajos Forest, Para, Brazil: 1996, 1998. Data set prepared by Gregory P. Asner, Michael M. Keller, Rodrigo A. Pereira Jr., and Johan C. Zweede.

    The fourth data set contains surface reflectance from Hyperion imagery calibrated by the Atmospheric CORrection Now (ACORN) model. Data for 200 bands at a 30-meter resolution are provided in ENVI image format:

  • LBA-ECO LC-18 Hyperion 30-m Surface Reflectance, Mato Grosso, Brazil: July 2004. Data set prepared by Gregory P. Asner, Kim Carlson, and David E. Knapp.

    LBA is an international research initiative under the leadership of Brazil. The project focuses on the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical, and hydrological functions of Amazonia; the impact of land use change on these functions; and the interactions between Amazonia and the Earth system. The LBA-ECO component, which is funded by NASA, focuses on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia?"

    See the LBA Project page for further information about the study and to access associated data and documentation maintained by the ORNL DAAC.

    The ORNL DAAC is a NASA-funded data center archiving and distributing terrestrial ecology and biogeochemical dynamics data. The LBA Data and Information System (LBA-DIS) has been developed by INPE with NASA's participation.