New Canopy Chemistry Data

The ORNL DAAC has added a data set to its holdings from the Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP). The new data set is entitled "Site AVIRIS Images, 1992 (ACCP)."

ACCP was an investigation to determine the theoretical and empirical basis for remote sensing of nitrogen and lignin concentrations in vegetation canopies of various ecosystems in the United States.

Ten AVIRIS image scenes over selected ACCP sites were acquired in 1992. Pixels that coincided with ACCP field sites were extracted, and surface reflectance values were calculated. The purpose of the data set was to measure spectra of naturally occurring canopies where the chemical constituents were measured.

The ORNL DAAC also holds ACCP data related to leaf chemistry, seedling canopy chemistry, calculated leaf carbon and nitrogen, visible and near-infrared leaf reflectance, and seedling canopy reflectance.

For further information about the study and the data, see the ACCP home page maintained by the ORNL DAAC.