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  1. One of my favorite parts of Swearing In Day is that the Capitol is full of families excited to be part of history. My daughter Grace had a great time exploring the House Floor!
    Photo: One of my favorite parts of Swearing In Day is that the Capitol is full of families excited to be part of history. My daughter Grace had a great time exploring the House Floor!
  2. Excited to join Bud and Kristi on KXLY Newsradio 920 at 7:30 AM PT this morning to discuss the fiscal cliff and the start of the new Congress. Please tune in live here!:
  3. Today I was humbled and honored to be sworn in by Speaker John Boehner to serve the people of Eastern Washington in the 113th Congress. While the challenges ahead are great, our resolve is far greater. I thank you, the great people of Eastern Washington, for electing me. I am honored to serve you, to represent you, and to know you.
    Photo: Today I was humbled and honored to be sworn in by Speaker John Boehner to serve the people of Eastern Washington in the 113th Congress.  While the challenges ahead are great, our resolve is far greater.  I thank you, the great people of Eastern Washington, for electing me.  I am honored to serve you, to represent you, and to know you.
  4. Big news! Our very own Spokane Valley resident, Heather Comer, will be heading to South Korea this month to compete in 3 skiing events for the Special Olympics. Even more remarkable: Heather has Down syndrome. As the mom of a son with Down ...syndrome and Co-Chair of the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus, I am especially proud of all that Heather has achieved and can't wait to join Eastern Washington in cheering her on at the Special Olympics. Congratulations, Heather! More
  5. The House tonight showed divided government can work together to help American families by passing the largest permanent tax cut in our history. It is not a perfect solution, but it keeps taxes low for middle class families and provides economic certainty, which will put Americans back to work.

    Yet there is still tremendous work ahead of us because the federal government has a spending problem. The American people expect real spending cuts and comprehensive tax reform to turn our economy around.
  6. Happy New Year! As we welcome 2013 with continued negotiations on the fiscal cliff for the protection of middle-class families, I would value your feedback. Please take a moment to answer my 2012 annual survey:
  7. The House will be back in Session today to continue our work to avert the fiscal cliff. We've already passed legislation to prevent tax increases and replace the across-the-board spending cuts. Now we need the President and Senate to join us. Hardworking middle-class families in Eastern Washington and across America do not deserve to see their taxes go up, and we will do everything we can to protect them.
  8. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! May you enjoy this special time with those you love.
  9. Had a good discussion with Greta Van Susteren last night about the looming fiscal cliff and our vote today to keep taxes as low as possible for as many middle-class families as possible. Watch the clip here:
  10. It was great to join Greta tonight for a candid discussion about the Republicans' plan to avert the fiscal cliff and prevent the largest tax increase in American history. This is our moment to do the big things!
    Photo: It was great to join Greta tonight for a candid discussion about the Republicans' plan to avert the fiscal cliff and prevent the largest tax increase in American history. This is our moment to do the big things!
  11. Very excited to join Greta Van Susteren on FOX News tonight to discuss the latest on the fiscal cliff negotiations. Please tune in at 10:20 PM ET -- it'll be a great show and I'd love your feedback!
  12. Very proud to stand beside my colleagues to discuss what the fiscal cliff is really about: the future we're leaving to the next generation. They deserve an America where they are not burdened by debt, but emboldened by opportunity. Watch and share House Republicans' latest video:
  13. As we approach the fiscal cliff, I think the best Christmas gift we can give all Americans is an agreement -- an agreement that gives certainty to hardworking middle-class families. This is our moment to do what is good and right for America. Watch my remarks here:
  14. In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday, my heart is broken. While words are inadequate in the face of such tragedy, I have faith in an American spirit I know to be unbreakable. We are strong, resilient and resolute – and while our hearts are broken, our resolve is unwavering. So we will come together – in the halls of Congress and in communities across... this country – to examine existing laws, study what is needed to make our schools and neighborhoods safe, and explore what can be done to ensure people have the mental health evaluation and treatment they need. We will do everything we can to ensure that what happened in Newtown, Connecticut never happens again.See More
  15. As the mom of two children, my heart is with the victims and families of those who lost their lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School this afternoon. Today, let us all come together as Americans and pray for the innocent lives that were lost in this senseless and tragic act of violence.
  16. Grateful for all the children and their families -- including this sweet girl, Katie -- who came to this morning's "Protecting America's Future" event at the United States Capitol. We're working every day to protect America's children and middle-class families from out-of-control spending and a growing national debt. And if we work together, I'm confident we can do it.
    Photo: Grateful for all the children and their families -- including this sweet girl, Katie -- who came to this morning's "Protecting America's Future" event at the United States Capitol. We're working every day to protect America's children and middle-class families from out-of-control spending and a growing national debt.  And if we work together, I'm confident we can do it.
  17. It was great to join Andrea Mitchell Reports today to discuss the latest on the fiscal cliff negotiations. With just 19 days to go until we reach the fiscal cliff, it's time to address spending cuts in addition to just revenue. Watch here and share your feedback:
  18. As the debate over the fiscal cliff continues, House Republicans are fighting for the future of our children. We want them to grow up in an America where their opportunities are limitless, NOT limited. THAT is what these fiscal cliff negotiations are about -- people, not politics.
    Photo: As the debate over the fiscal cliff continues, House Republicans are fighting for the future of our children.  We want them to grow up in an America where their opportunities are limitless, NOT limited.  THAT is what these fiscal cliff negotiations are about -- people, not politics.
  19. Very excited to join my House Republican colleagues today for a press conference highlighting the effect the fiscal cliff and national debt will have on America's children and middle-class families. It will be aired on Cspan at 11:30AM ET -- please tune in here:

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