Federal Spending

Federal Spending

The federal government runs massive deficits not because it taxes too little, but because it spends too much.  The current system encourages overspending and lacks enforceable spending restraints that require the politicians in Washington to prioritize our constitutional obligations and make tough decisions.  Furthermore, most in Congress believe we can continue to borrow trillions of dollars to pay for everything rather than reform, cut, and eliminate wasteful programs.

The only way to get federal spending under control is with a strong, structural, and enforceable restraint like a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.  Only then will Republicans and Democrats be forced to prioritize the nation’s constitutional obligations and put the country on a path to fiscal sustainability.



February 2013
Date Title
2/14/13 Washington needs a Balanced Budget Amendment
September 2011
Date Title
9/21/11 A Pro-Growth Jobs Agenda
August 2011
Date Title
8/30/11 Congress Needs Structural Reform
8/29/11 Washington doesn't know best
July 2011
Date Title
7/8/11 Obama's "Recovery" Worst in Modern Times
June 2011
Date Title
6/27/11 Cut, Cap, and Balance

Press Releases


August 2011
Date Title
8/2/11 Closer to the Unknown