Submit an Insight, Viewpoint or Counterpoint

reu blogger 12oct12 Submit an Insight, Viewpoint or CounterpointMiddle East Voices is a marketplace for diverse perspectives and opinions about a dynamic region in transition. Get involved and share your insights and views to help enhance our participatory free speech platform. Collaborate with us to create a unique new form of journalism – one that also listens.

But please be aware that Middle East Voices is a not-for-profit endeavor and does not compensate authors for submissions.

Submit an Insight

If you are a Middle East expert or analyst associated with an established academic institution, think tank or non-governmental organization, we invite you contribute your perspectives in the form of Insights which we regularly post our our site. Submissions should be between 800 and 1,000 words. To submit a proposal for an Insight, please use the comment form below. All submissions must be in English. If a post fitting the description of an Insight is already published on your institutional blog, please send us a link and we will gladly consider it for republication.

Submit a Viewpoint

If you have a strong unique perspective on an event issue and would like to be heard, pitch us a proposal for a Viewpoint using the form below (your pitch should be no longer than 200 words). Our editors will review the pitch and be in touch with you. If your pitch is approved, you will be asked to submit your full essay (please keep it between 800 and 1,000 words). All pitches and submissions must be in English. If English is not your first language, our editors will try to work with you to create a publishable Viewpoint. If you already published an essay fitting the description of a Viewpoint on your personal blog, send us a link to it and we will gladly consider it for republication.

Submit a Counterpoint

If you have a counter-perspective to an already published Viewpoint, it is our policy to invite anyone to offer an alternative view in the form of a Counterpoint, which we will cross-link with original Viewpoint essay. Simply pitch your proposed response using the form below (around 200 words). All pitches and submissions for Counterpoints must be in English. If English is not your first language, our editors will try to work with you to create a publishable Counterpoint.

Submit a Voices post

If you would like to share a reflection on an event or issue – one that does necessarily fit the description of a Viewpoint – you may do so by submitting a pitch for a Voices post. Again, simply pitch your proposal using the form below (around 200 words). All pitches and submissions for Voices posts must be in English. If English is not your first language, our editors will try to work with you to create a publishable Voices post. Like with Viewpoints, if you already published an essay that could qualify as a Voices post on your personal blog, please send us a link to it and we will gladly consider it for republication.


In rare circumstances, Middle East Voices will provide anonymity to authors of Viewpoints, Counterpoints and Voices posts. All anonymous sources are carefully vetted by our editors and are granted anonymity if there is a legitimate safety concern. We do not grant anonymity to those who wish to share views but choose not to associate their name with their perspectives.

About Middle East Voices

Middle East Voices is a unique social journalism project powered by Voice of America. Its goal is to inform, amplify voices, stimulate dialogue and foster understanding within, without and across man-made borders. This is your site. Through your participation you can help us grow.

To contact us, please use the form below: