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Our Products and Tools

      By comparing fish in the agriculturally-dominated Corsica River with fish caught in developed
      or forested rivers, we learn how land use affects fish health, diversity, and abundance. In the
      Chesapeake Bay, we catch more fish in nutrient-rich rivers adjacent to farms, but those fish are
      less healthy and more likely to carry disease. Photo credit: Tracy Gill.
By comparing fish in the agriculturally-dominated Corsica River with fish caught in developed or forested rivers, we learn how land use affects fish health, diversity, and abundance. In the Chesapeake Bay, we catch more fish in nutrient-rich rivers adjacent to farms, but those fish are less healthy and more likely to carry disease. Photo credit: Tracy Gill.

NCCOS provides research, scientific information and tools to help balance the Nation's ecological, social and economic goals. The research and tools we provide are central to addressing coastal issues raised in legislation and NOAA's priorities. We also provide the research necessary for communities to develop effective and sustainable management of their resources.

Some of our existing tools include, but are not limited to the following: