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"Army Move!"
Active Duty Weight Management Program

Nutrition Counseling Program at Womack Army Medical Center

Information for Soldiers and Commanders


Program Description:  "Army Move!" is a standardized series of two sessions designed to provide Soldiers with the tools they need to succeed on a weight loss program.

Location of Sessions:  All sessions are held in the Nutrition Care Division Classroom located on the basement floor of Womack Army Medical Center.  Classroom entrance is directly across from the entrance to the Dining Facility.
Session Schedule: A Soldier can complete both sessions and an individual follow-up appointment in as little as 10 calendar days.

Session 1 occurs every Tuesday at 1000.  Soldiers need to arrive no later than 0930 to ensure seating.  During Session 1 Soldiers are given the assignment to complete a food and activity record and to report to their respective clinic (Joel, Robinson, Clark or WAMC) to get their laboratory blood tests.

Session 2 occurs the following week on Wednesdays at 1000.  Soldiers should arrive no later than 0930 to ensure seating.  Session 2 includes a combination of lecture and facilitated group discussion which will help guide and encourage the Soldier. During this session we will review labs and reinforce behavior changes.  At the end of session 2, Soldiers will receive their 5th endorsement if their labs are within normal ranges. Soldiers with altered labs will be scheduled with a Registered Dietitian 1:1 for greater discussion regarding the Soldier’s diet and labs. Upon completion of this individual appointment, the Soldier will receive their 5th endorsement.    

Session 3 (OPTIONAL) Soldiers desiring additional counseling can schedule a 1:1 appointment with a Registered Dietitian.  Appointments are on Thursday mornings at an assigned appointment time. This time is also used for Soldiers requiring additional counseling based on their labs. Soldiers should bring their food and activity logs to this appointment.

While Army Move is mandatory for Soldiers enrolled in the Army Weight Control Program (AWCP), the program is also open to Soldier’s attempting to be proactive in managing their weight.  Soldiers can "walk-in" for Session 1 by reporting to the Nutrition Care Clinic classroom on any Tuesday at 0930. 

Administrative Details:
1. Upon a Soldier's completion of sessions 1 & 2 and possible 1:1 appointment, dietitians will sign the Soldier's "5th Endorsement" certifying participation in an approved weight control education program as required by AR 600-9.

2. Soldiers not on the Army Weight Control Program may participate in the Army Move program.  These Soldiers will not receive a signed "5th Endorsement" upon completion of the 2 sessions.

3.  No appointment is necessary for a Soldier to attend a session.  The prerequisite for Soldiers to attend session 2 is to complete both session 1 and have their lab work completed within the past 3 months. Soldiers who went through session 1 greater than 3 months ago will repeat session 1 and have new labs drawn. Soldiers participating in the Army Move program must complete a blood test for cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  Soldiers will be given instructions on completion of these tests during
Session 1.

4.  As part of the follow up sessions, the Soldier will have the opportunity to gain feedback from the dietitian by implementing the information learned in the Army Move program to the specific needs of the Soldier’s schedule. The dietitian will work with the Soldier to make achievable goals to support health and weight loss progress. Soldiers may schedule additional follow-ups for accountability and if repeat laboratory tests of cholesterol and blood sugar levels are required.

5.  Soldiers who have completed the entire Army Move program within the past 9 months should schedule an individual follow-up appointment with the dietitian instead of going back through all sessions again.

6.  If you have any additional questions, you may send your questions via e-mail to the "Army Move" NCOIC, the Nutrition Clinic at (910) 907-8703.  Soldiers are strongly encouraged to seek regular follow-up with the dietitian in 30, 90, and 180 days.  Soldiers may call the Nutrition Clinic at (910) 907-3438 or 907-7387 for follow-up appointment after completion of the 3 session series.