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2009 Programs and Events

Business School Hosts Event Highlighting U.S. Education Opportunities


Sardor Djurabaev offered information about educational programs sponsored by the U.S. Embassy during an event at the International Business School Kelajak Ilmi

Staff from the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent offered a wide range of information about educational opportunities in the United States and Uzbekistan at an event hosted by the International Business School “Kelajak Ilmi.”

On May 14, about 50 students came to the “America Afternoon,” where Embassy staff had tables covered with information about university exchange programs, English-language programs, advising for students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities, and resources available for public use at the library in the U.S. Embassy. Foreign Service Officer Cynthia Day also gave a presentation about applying for visas and answered students’ questions about the process.

“America Afternoon” was part of a series of events hosted by the International Business School “Kelajak Ilmi,” in which representatives from different countries are invited to make presentations. The students had a chance to learn more about:

  • Fulbright, Muskie and other programs in which students and scholars from Uzbekistan study in the U.S.;
  • The Educational Advising Center, located at the Embassy, which offers resources and advising for students considering studying in the U.S.;
  • The Information Resource Center, the library at the Embassy that makes available to the public magazines, reference materials, books, electronic databases and Internet access. The IRC also hosts the weekly “Chai Chat” English conversation club;
  • Activities in Uzbekistan of alumni of American education and exchange programs.

The event was a chance for students to talk one-on-one about opportunities that might be available to them. Many of them were interested in pursuing Master of Business Administration degrees, while others were considering work/travel programs as a way of improving their English, said Molly Stephenson, the Information Officer in the Public Affairs Section at the Embassy.

“We were all there to answer their questions,” she said. “We’re happy to take any offer to promote these educational opportunities.”

The International Business School “Kelajak Ilmi” offers four-year programs in accounting and auditing, finance and marketing. The classes are in English.