Security Levels

National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) check current status

August 30, 2009

Dear family and friends,

The Louis out in front of HEALY as they break the ice for better mapping data.  Picture courtesy of ENS Custer.
The Louis out in front of HEALY as they break the ice for better mapping data.  Picture courtesy of ENS Custer.

Greetings from the frozen north!  We have officially reached the most northern point of this trip and are beginning our trip back south.  For those of you that still think it is summer out, we’ve been having regular snow showers up here, making it feel like the holiday season is already upon us.  HEALY does have a magical look when covered in frost and snow.    

Throughout our time with the Louis, we’ve been able to conduct professional exchanges with the Canadian crew.  This exchange has allowed their engineers and ship drivers to visit our ship and see how we operate and vice versa.  By seeing how we both operate, we can better understand each other and work closer together to accomplish our missions.

ENS Myatt, the On-Scene Leader, and DC2 Redd, one of the Proxymen, wait in the hangar during flight operations with the Louis.  Picture courtesy of ENS Sinks.
ENS Myatt, the On-Scene Leader, and DC2 Redd, one of the Proxymen, wait in the hangar during flight operations with the Louis.  Picture courtesy of ENS Sinks.

Our traditional Saturday evening Bingo games have continued this trip.  For six weeks, the blackout prize was a 19” LCD TV, which did not want to go easily.  After a tough round that was sold out, EM2 Ladd was victorious in winning the TV.  This week started a new blackout prize, a stereo; we’ll see how long this one can last.

The Louis’s helo, CG 363, on their flight deck with HEALY in the background.  Picture courtesy of ENS Sinks.
The Louis’s helo, CG 363, on their flight deck with HEALY in the background.  Picture courtesy of ENS Sinks.

Since departing Seattle, many of our new crewmembers having been working hard to be qualified in their positions.  For the Operations Department, BMCM Ryan has qualified as Navigator, BMCM Ryan and BM1 Glenzer have qualified Underway Officers of the Deck, LT Appleberry, ENS Kehrt, ENS Sinks, and SN McQuire qualified as Junior Officers of the Deck, SA Kruegar and SA Stewart qualified as Bridge Watchstanders, and MST2 Jarrett and MST3 Purse qualified as Science Winch and A-frame Operators.  For the Engineering Department, MK1 Coombe and MK1 O’Sullivan qualified as Engineer of the Watch and MKCS Lewis, DCC Pulatie, EM1 Padilla, MK2 Jones, MK3 Gavaldon, and SN Lewis qualified as Technician of the Watch.  In addition to the qualifications, we congratulated MK1 O’Sullivan and MK1 Coombe as they advanced to Petty Officer First Class.

A little over 2 weeks and we will be back off Barrow disembarking the scientists and starting our transit back home.  But before then, we have lots to do and accomplish and only a little bit of time to do it in. 

Until Next Week,
ENS Tara Schendorf
Public Affairs Officer

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Last Modified 1/26/2012