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May 3, 2009

Hello friends and family!

AWS 2009 Phase 2 Group Photo
AWS 2009 Phase 2 Group Photo

It is hard to believe we are in the last week of this science phase. So much has happened. We have accomplished a lot. This week we continued to do sediment traps, CTD’s, some nets, the occasional VPR, and a couple of on ice stations.

At quarters on April 28 LTJG Zachary Bender received a Letter of Commendation for his hard work on board HEALY.

At quarters on April 30 we recognized MST3 Thomas Kruger with a HEALY coin for his ingenuity in solving all kinds of challenges. Most notably on this cruise he created a net system which allowed us to pick up a chunk of ice from which scientists were able to take samples from on deck. BM3 Lindsey Kriekel was recognized for qualifying as Bridge Watchstander, and LTJG Tasha Thomas was recognized for qualifying as Winch and A-Frame operator. IT1 Daniel Von Kauffman received a Coast Guard Achievement medal for his time on board HEALY.  Following quarters, scientists and crew all huddled outside on the flight deck to take a group picture.

IT1 Von Kauffman and his award winning Macaroon Pie
IT1 Von Kauffman and his award winning Macaroon Pie

You may not have known this, but March 14 (3/14) is Pi Day. Since the ship missed that day, we celebrated Pi Day on 31 April (31/4... also known as May 1). We celebrated Pi Day by having a Pie Bake Off, Pie Eating Contest, and a Pie Auction. The Pie Bake Off went deliciously! There were two categories for judging; best pastry crust pie, and best crumb crust pie. CDR Dale Bateman won the best pastry crust pie with his Pecan Pie, and IT1 Von Kauffman won the best crumb crust pie with his Macaroon Pie. IT1 Von Kauffman stole another title on Pi(e) Day by winning the Pie Eating Contest.

Morale night on Saturday May 2 started with a morale dinner cooked by the science party. The dinner included copepod casserole, and multi core mud. It was a great meal. At Bingo CWO Sean Lyons won a water bottle, SN Deidre Gray won a DVD, OSC Sorjen Managan won a remote control car, and FS1 Arrene Zitting won a red fleece blanket.

Although we are approaching the end of the cruise, that doesn’t mean the pace is slowing down. Today we started following the 70 meter depth curve toward the east. As we follow this depth contour we will stop every 10 nautical miles to conduct a CTD. That makes for a very busy trip back!

Updating you as we continue our journey into the icy Bering Sea wilderness,
Your Public Affairs Officer,
LTJG Tasha Thomas

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Last Modified 1/26/2012