Monthly Archives: October 2011

The Art of Kūkākūkā

By Alison Freese Senior Program Officer, Native American/Native Hawaiian Library Services, IMLS Have you ever attended a keynote address where the speaker presents an idea and then says: “Now pair off with someone sitting near you and kūkākūkā about that … Continue reading

Posted in Broadband, Cultural Heritage/Sustainability, Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Program | 2 Comments

Q&A with Chris Draft: Let’s Read. Let’s Move.

By Natasha Marstiller Public Affairs Specialist, IMLS Last month former NFL Linebacker and children’s book author Chris Draft visited IMLS at the National Book Festival Pavilion of the States.   Chris Draft has participated in Let’s Read/Let’s Move events and through … Continue reading

Posted in Early Learning, Health, Let's Move! Museums & Gardens | 4 Comments

Join the Conversation: Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture

By Mamie Bittner Director of Communications and Government Affairs, IMLS Today in Salzburg, IMLS, together with leaders from around the world, will take part in the Salzburg Global Seminar to explore Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture. … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Heritage/Sustainability, Global Awareness, International Strategic Partnership Initiative, Salzburg Global Seminar | Comments Off