WFLHD Supplements for Chapter 3 - Environmental Stewardship

Supplements are available for the following sections of the PDDM:

3.4 Environmental Process

Procedure 3.4-1  Acrobat Icon Environmental Analysis and Public Involvement  (Acrobat, 255 KB), 41 pages

  • Purpose:  These procedures establish WFLHD supplemental guidance for addressing the National Environmental Policy Act requirements, related environmental laws, regulations, and associated permits when WFLHD is the Lead Federal Agency in developing a transportation improvement project.
  • Approved:  12/9/1999
  • References:
     - Word Icon Download Categorical Exclusion Outline  (Word, 37 KB)
     - Word/docx Icon State Permits Lists  (Word/docx, 41 KB) (located on Sheet 3 of WFLHD-2)

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