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Mean seasonal fields of sea ice concentration (%)February 2012Science Highlights

How Arctic Ice Edges Erode

Does polar ice erosion come from atmospheric heating or from oceanic advection of warm waters? Read More »

Atomic force microscope (AFM) micrograph of arrays niobium islands (red) on gold underlayer (yellow)January 2012Science Highlights

Tailored Materials Containing Superconductor Islands May Lead to Improved Electronic Materials

Arrays of superconducting islands open up the possibility for tailor-made properties and functionality. Read More »

Molten droplet of Ames Lab lead free solder, an alloy of tin, silver, and copperApril 2011Science Highlights

A Revolutionary Advance in Solders – the “Glue” for Electronic Components

Ames Laboratory invented a non-toxic, “lead-free” solder that is now used to manufacture electronic components worldwide. Read More »

Anti-nuetrons and anti-protons formed in very high energy collisions at RHIC are observed to combine to form anti-alpha particles.April 2011Science Highlights

Anti-Alpha Particles Observed for the First Time

Observation of these particles in cosmic rays with space based detectors would imply large amounts of anti-matter somewhere in the universe. Read More »

Computational modeling of uranium oxide ions with aluminum oxideFebruary 2011Science Highlights

Modeling How Uranium Sticks to Soils

Understanding the interaction of uranium in soils may lead to new ways to clean-up contaminated ground. Read More »

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists developed a coating process to make sponge-like silica latch onto toxic metals, like mercuryJune 2009Science Highlights

Terminating Toxic Metals in the Environment

Understanding ceramic chemistry leads the way to a new remediation technology Read More »

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Last modified: 12/13/2012 4:13:04 PM