Brief Science Highlights

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Fluorsecence micrograph of Nostoc showing heterocyst (box)September 2012Science Highlights

Genetic Regulation of Differentiated Microbial Filaments

Discovering how a microbe makes complex structures to perform complex functions. Read More »

Graphical representation of enzyme network necessary for metabolism.September 2012Science Highlights

Understanding the Number of Different Substrates Used by Enzymes

Enzyme “promiscuity” and “monogamy” play a significant role in myriad biochemical reactions. Read More »

Poplar treesSeptember 2012Science Highlights

How Does a Poplar Tree Make its Wood?

Knowing how Poplar trees make wood enables us to optimize their use for bioenergy production. Read More »

Hurricane OmarSeptember 2012Science Highlights

Fresh Water Feeds Hurricanes’ Fury

Understanding factors influencing a cyclone’s path and intensity improves our ability to forecast and mitigate impacts. Read More »

Typical structure of a peeling – ballooning mode in the DIII-D tokamak, calculated by the MHD stability code ELITE.September 2012Science Highlights

New Theoretical Model of the Complex Edge Region of Fusion Plasmas Proves Accurate

New research advances in the modeling of the critical “pedestal” region of tokamak plasmas. Read More »

Single-celled marine cyanobacterium Cyanothece 51142August 2012Science Highlights

Making a Better Hydrogen Producing Bacterium

A microbe able to produce hydrogen without typical poisoning by oxygen production. Read More »

Beaufort Sea north of Alaska (NOAA)August 2012Science Highlights

Simulation of Arctic Clouds in Climate Models

Arctic clouds, major controllers of the radiative budget, are now better represented in climate models. Read More »

Flexible solar module.July 2012Science Highlights

Cutting the Costs of Solar Power with Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Solar Cells

High-efficiency compound semiconductor solar cells can now be printed on flexible, plastics. Read More »

Carbon dioxide gas separation is important for many environmental and energy applications.June 2012Science Highlights

Supercomputers Drive Discovery of Materials for More Efficient Carbon Capture

Researchers use NERSC to Create Carbon Dioxide-Separating Polymer. Read More »

Sheets of zeolite catalysts form an open pore structure like a “house-of-cards”June 2012Science Highlights

Simple Synthesis of Pore Highways Inside of Catalysts

House-of-Cards structure leads to improved zeolite catalyst. Read More »

Last modified: 12/13/2012 4:13:04 PM