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  • UPDATED: Million Hearts™ Risk Check Challenge—Winner Announced

    In 2012, Million Hearts™ invited developers to create a mobile app to help consumers improve their heart health. Applicants were challenged to develop apps that would help consumers take a heart health risk assessment, find places to get their blood pressure and cholesterol checked, and use the results to work with their health care providers to develop a plan to improve their health. Five pilot campaigns will launch in February, 2013.

  • Promising Practices: Million Hearts™ and Blood Pressure Control in Clinical Settings

    On December 4, 2012, the Million Hearts™ initiative, in collaboration with the Offices of Minority Health at CMS and HHS, hosted a webinar entitled ?Powerful Enough to Make a Difference: Promising Practices for Blood Pressure Control in Clinical Settings?. Presenters, including Kaiser Permanente Colorado and the Ellsworth Medical Clinic, both 2012 Million Hearts™ Hypertension Control Champions, shared their success stories and effective strategies for achieving blood pressure control among their patients.

    View the webinar slides [PDF-10.5M]
    Listen to the audio recording
    Read the webinar transcript [PDF-192K]
  • Promising Practices: Million Hearts™ and Minority Health

    On September 13, 2012, the Million Hearts™ initiative, in collaboration with the Offices of Minority Health at CMS and HHS, hosted a webinar entitled Promising Practices: Million Hearts™ and Minority Health. The webinar discussed the importance of cardiovascular health and community approaches to addressing health disparities. Current partners shared their success stories, effective strategies, and lessons learned. Representatives from the Indian Health Services and Association of Black Cardiologists presented their efforts to support Native American/Alaskan Native, African American and Hispanic/Latino populations in achieving high blood pressure control.

    View the webinar slides [PDF-8.6M]
    Listen to the audio recording
    Read the webinar transcript [PDF-213K]
  • Million Hearts™ Risk Check Challenge

    Million Hearts™ and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) are sponsoring a developer challenge and outreach initiative to inform millions of Americans who may be unaware they are at significant risk for CVD, encourage those who think they may be at risk to take action, and direct both to community pharmacies to receive blood pressure and cholesterol screenings. Submissions are due by October 31, 2012.
  • Million Hearts™ Caregiver Video Challenge

    Caregivers play an important role in maintaining the heart health of their loved ones. Create a video that shares a caregiver?s story and gives tips for how to prevent or control high blood pressure. Submission deadline is July 16 through August 31, 2012.
  • Developers: Deadline Approaching for Allscripts Million Hearts™ CDS Challenge

    To help providers deliver the best possible care to patients with cardiovascular diseases, Allscripts is sponsoring the Allscripts Million Hearts™ Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Challenge. The challenge, which was announced in January, offers a $50,000 prize to the person or group that creates a publicly available application that accelerates the delivery of optimal care for patients with cardiovascular disease through clinical decision support functionality. The deadline for submissions by interested parties is July 13, 2012.
  • May is National Stroke Awareness Month
  • CDC presents at TEDMED 2012: What Do You Do When Your Best Shot Falls Short?Dr. Frieden's TEDMED image.
    Online Event

    Dr. Thomas Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recently gave a speech entitled, “What do you do when your best shot falls short?” at this year’s TEDMED conference in Washington, D.C. During the speech he discussed his many experiences in public health, including his time at CDC, both as Director and intially as an officer with the Epidemic Intelligence Service. A highlight of his talk, however, was his discussion of the importance of the Million Hearts initiative. He sees Million Hearts as a program with a clear, definable objective which can be reached through aligning measures, simple modifications in care, and collaboration between public and private sector partners. An illustration of his speech created by Jim Nuttle and Greg Gersch can be found below. View the video of Dr. Frieden's speech on the TEDMED site.
  • Air Pollution & CVD
    Online Event

    National Public Health week is the first week in April. U.S. EPA is happy to be participating in this important public health event by raising awareness about their green hearts campaign through a webinar scheduled for April 5th. This webinar will discuss the importance of being aware of the environmental hazard of air pollution and its potential health impacts on the heart. Environmental factors can play a role in cardiovascular disease and EPA and Million Hearts need your assistance to help prevent heart attacks as part of the Million Hearts campaign.

    Meeting Name: Air Pollution & CVD
    Summary: Discuss the green heart effort to raise awareness of environmental factors that can affect the health of persons living with heart disease or who have suffered a stroke.
    When: 04/05/2012
    For more information:
    Fact Sheet: Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart
  • Beat Down Blood Pressure Video Challenge
    Online Event

    In an effort to crowd source better ways the public and health care professionals can leverage technology to manage high blood pressure, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) in partnership with Million Hearts™, announces a Beat Down Blood Pressure Video Challenge.

    Learn More

  • Administration on Aging (AoA) Webinar Featuring Million Hearts™
    Online Event

    In early 2012, the Administration on Aging (AoA) held a series of webinars focused on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (also known as the Affordable Care Act or ACA) and its impact on the aging network. One of the webinars focused on Million Hearts™, a national initiative launched by the Department of Health and Human Services in September 2011 to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes by 2017.

    To view the archived slides and transcripts, visit:
  • Heart Healthiest Blog in America Challenge
    02/01/2012 – 02/29/2012
    Atlanta, GA

    On February 1, 2012, Million Hearts™ launched a challenge to bloggers to help prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes over five years. To participate in the Heart Healthiest Blog in America Challenge, bloggers will prompt their readers to sign the Million Hearts™ pledge of commitment to take control of their heart health. The blogger who recruits the most pledges within the month of February will receive kudos and a distinguished prize from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a co-leader of the Million Hearts™ initiative.

    Learn More

  • Public Health Grand Rounds Highlighting Million Hearts™
    Atlanta, GA

    On Feb. 21, 2012, CDC will host the next in a series of Public Health Grand Rounds; this time highlighting the new HHS initiative Million Hearts™, co-led by CDC and CMS. This session will be available for viewing live from 1:00–2:00 Eastern, or archived at

    The goal of Million Hearts™ is to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes in five years. The Million Hearts™ Grand Rounds will feature CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, Million Hearts™ Executive Director Dr. Janet Wright, and CMS Chief Medical Officer Dr. Patrick Conway talking about the many opportunities provided by this new initiative and how this ambitious goal can be met. The session will also feature two communities who are engaging in exciting work at the local level to create healthier environments and align the medical community to improve quality of care for all.

    Download the Public Health Grand Rounds Toolkit [PDF-1M]

    Watch the presentation:

    <a href="">Public Health Grand Rounds Highlighting Million Hearts</a>

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