United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP)


 PhotoVoice:  From War to Home:  Through the Veteran's Lens to Open at University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing on February 14

From War To Home Explores the Realities of Military Service through Words and Images from Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing is the next stop for the VA-funded PhotoVoice exhibit, “From War to Home:  Through the Veteran’s Lens.” The opening on Thursday, February 14 will include a panel discussion from 11 am to 1 pm with Veterans whose stories and photos are featured in the exhibit.  These events take place in Claire M. Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, and are free and open to the public. 

Forty Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were given cameras and the opportunity to tell their stories to Gala True, PhD, CHERP Core Investigator and anthropologist.  The exhibit provides a window into the impact of military service on health and the stress of making the transition back to civilian life.  The narratives also chronicle how Veterans move forward with their education and professions, and provide support and strength to each other.  One of the goals of the exhibit is to improve healthcare and access to resources for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans.

The opening coincides with the National Salute to Veterans Week, an annual effort led by VA Voluntary Services to thank the more than 98,000 Veterans who are cared for every day in VA facilities across the U.S. 

To view some of the photos featured in the exhibit, go to:

Link to Philadelphia Inquirer article:  http://www.philly.com/philly/news/homepage/20121111_War_stories__in_words__photos.html

Link to Philadelphia Iquirer’s gallery of photos from the exhibit:  http://www.philly.com/philly/gallery/Exhibit_Vets_behind_the_lens.html?viewGallery=y

Funding: VA HSR&D 

Additional support: Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion and PVAMC Voluntary Services 

Curator: Gala True, PhD, CHERP Core Investigator

Design: David Comberg

Curatorial Partner: Christa Myers

The VA Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP) a VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence. Our mission is to promote equity and quality in health and health care among veterans and other populations.

Michael Fine, M.D., M.Sc., (Principal Investigator)
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System and the University of Pittsburgh

Said Ibrahim, M.D., M.P.H., (Co-Principal Investigator)
Philadelphia VA Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania.

Center for Health Equity Research
and Promotion
Philadelphia VA Medical Center 3900 Woodland Ave Annex Building 4100 CHERP Suite 202
Philadelphia, PA 19104
PH 215.823.4159
FX 215.823.6330

Center for Health Equity Research
and Promotion
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
7180 Highland Drive (151C-H)
Pittsburgh, PA 15206-1206
PH 412.954.5256
FX 412.954.5264

CHERP is a collaboration among key entities within Veterans Integrated Service Network Four (VISN 4).

The central Web site for all VA Research and Development is www.research.va.gov.

For more information, contact Carson Clark: Carson.Clark@va.gov (cut and paste into email browser)