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Some of the controls you will encounter navigating documents are:

  •   Printed documents

    • In a results list this Hardcopy Document Indicator shows that the item is a document available for ordering. Selecting this icon will place the title in your cart for ordering.

    • When viewing a document online it stores the document so you can reference it later. This is usefull for documents you may use frequently.

  • Adobe PDF formatted document   PDF document

    • Delivers a PDF formatted document in a separate window. For some documents no native PDF version exists. If this is the case the NEPIS system will generate one on the fly from the images available online. Be patient. For a document with a large number of pages, this can sometimes take several minutes.

  •   Electronic Eye

    • Indicates that a document is available online.

  • or   Seek Your Search Term

    • After searching for a particular term the displayed document will now show the term of interest highlighted wherever it occurs!

    • You can navigate through the document from hit to hit (a 'hit' being the search term) using the previous/next hit buttons.

  • or   Show Adjacent Page

    • As you peruse a document you can step through pages sequentially using these controls, moving in the direction of the arrow

  • or   Show Adjacent Document

    • Select the next document in the results list for viewing. The first page of the document will be selected.

  • or   Change Page Display Size

    • Allows the selection of one of five display resolutions.

  •   Return to Results list

    • This provides a quick way to return to the results list page from any point in your search. This can be useful if you have viewed many pages and wish to go back to the results list without using the back button of your browser.

  •   Download Options

    • This mechanism provides a number of options for acquiring the current document in a number of formats. There may be times where a publication is so often used that you will want a copy of your own for frequent access or local printing. In this case you may want to download the document in PDF format. If you need the actual text, we also provide the UNFORMATTED text derived from the document images via OCR processing. If you want a copy that you can search on your own machine, you may want to try the Multi-page TIFF download, as this format will lend itself well to OCR processing.

      Be Warned!
      Each document page is typically about 50-80kb. Downloading a large document on a dialup connection could be a lengthy process.

  •   More Documents Like This

    • This control issues a new search based on terms from the current document. The intent is to locate other documents in the repository that address similar issues.

  •   Report document defect

    • You may, occasionally, find a document that has some sort of defect. Should you encounter a problem with any given page, please help us improve the the quality of this service by reporting it using this feature. Please be mindful that much of our content is derived from hardcopy. As such, it is not uncommon for some pages of a document to be blank (Cover page reverse, Chapter breaks, etc.) These do not constitute document defects and need not be reported.

      Note: If you hope to recieve some immediate assistance with the document it will be necessary for you to provide the optional e-mail address to permit us to respond.

  •   Look for Specific Publication Number or Title

    • We provide a complete list of titles, ordered by publication number via the Publication Number/Title Lists. You can use sublists or the entire catalog and your browsers "find" feature to locate specific titles.
    - or -
    • While key fields such as publication number and title are included when using simple search, one of the subfeatures of advanced search gives you the option to search by identifying fields which include publication number or document title.  Your results can even be resorted using one of the fields to make it easier to find the document you need.

  • The this service has many terrific ways of specifying what it is that you are looking for and the professional user of this service should visit the help section on Search techniques for a more in depth explanation.

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