GOES-R partial banner

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GOES-R Improvements Over Current GOES
GOES-R will feature the following improvements over current GOES capabilities:

    Capability Current GOES   GOES-R
   Full Disk Image 30 minutes 5 minutes
   Imager bands 5 16
   Visible ~1 kilometer 0.5 - 1 kilometer
   Near Infrared N/A 1 -2 kilometer
   Infrared 4-8 kilometer 2 kilometer
   Bit Depth 10 bits 12 bits – Visible, 14 bits IR
   Raw Instrument Data 2.62 Mbps ~ 100 Mbps (ABI: ~60Mbps)
   Data Compression None Lossless
   Sounder 19 bands N/A
   Space Weather ~100 kbps 3.5 – 4 Mbps
   Geostationary Lightning Mapper N/A 7.5 Mbps
   Telemetry 4 kbps 1, 4 & 32 kbps
   Planned Data Outage >300 hrs/yr <2 hrs/year
   Command and Control Individual commands/events/day (limited
1 day autonomy for GOES N/P)
Autonomous for 7 days/satellite
   Ground System Backup Limited Yes
   Archive and Access Limited Yes
   Number of Products 37 35
   Level 1b Product Data Rate (Rebroadcast) 2.11 Mbps (GVAR)/satellite 31 Mbps (GRB)/satellite
   Level 2+ Product Data Rate ~ 50 GB/satellite/year ~ 1.14 TB/satellite/year
   HRIT/EMWIN LRIT: 128 kbps
EMWIN: 19.2 kbps
400 kbps
   DCS 233 simultaneous downlinks 466 simultaneous downlinks
   SARSAT 36 dBm uplink power 32 dBm uplink power (will be able to detect emergency beacons with weaker signals)
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