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Air Force Dental Services

Air Force Dental Services
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Sippy cups and your child's teeth

Dental Squadron increases mission readiness on installation

JB Charleston youth learn about importance of oral health

81st MDG facility upgraded to 'Keesler Medical Center'

Air Force Medical Service 2012 Annual Award winners announced

tabAFMS Commentaries RSS feed 
A call to action -- Three ways to combat sexual assault

Improved Care through Patient Centered Medical Home

Urgent or Emergency?

Physical fitness: Struggle between mind, body, pain  1's a team concept

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tabMotto, Mission, Priorities and Values 
Motto: "Proudly Serving and Enjoying Our Service... A Team Sport"

Achieve Oral Health To Ensure Readiness
Achieve Best Value
Achieve Excellence In All We Do

Five Priorities:                             Six Key areas of focus
1. Patients                                    1. Dental Operations
2. AFMS/AF Priorities                  2. Informatics and Technology
3. Our People                               3. Force Development
4. Partnerships                            4. Education & Training
5. The American People            5. Assimilation
                                                        6. Force Management

tabDental Service Top Stories 
tabAF Dental Services Leadership 
Maj. Gen. Gerard A. Caron    Col Grant R Hartup  Col. James E. King
Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Gerard A. Caron
Assistant Surgeon General,
Dental Services
Col. Grant R. Hartup
Director, Air Force Dental Operations

Col. James E. King 
Director, Air Force Dental Corps
 Colonel Gregory G. Movsesian  Chief Master Sgt. Carolyn A. Regan  
Col. Gregory G. Movsesian
Air Force Reserve Command Dental Surgeon; Career Field Manager
Chief Master Sgt.
Carolyn A. Regan

Career Field Manager,
Dental Services

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