Steven E. Waldren, MD, MS

Steven E. Waldren

Steven E. Waldren, MD, MS, joined the AAFP in 2004 and serves as director of the AAFP’s Center for Health IT. His in-depth knowledge of health information systems, programming and software, and medical informatics makes him a qualified expert to lead the Center as it aims to expand its services to thousands more primary care physicians. Waldren also serves on the board of the Center for Improving Medication Management, a national advocacy organization that educates clinicians and their staff on the best approaches to implementing prescribing technology. He also serves as co-chair of the Ambulatory Care Quality Alliance’s Data Aggregation and HIT Subcommittee and as commissioner of the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Access and Payment Commission (MACPAC).

Waldren earned a master’s degree in health care informatics from the University of Missouri, Columbia, while completing a National Library of Medicine Postdoctoral Medical Informatics Research Fellowship. He completed his family medicine residency at Wesley Family Medicine, Wichita, Kansas, and earned his medical degree from the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City.

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