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Office of Administrative Law Judges
DOJ Seal Attorney General's Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947)


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Washington, D.C., October 19, 1945.

Hon. Pat McCarran,
    Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee,
    United State Senate, Washington, D.C.

   My Dear Senator: You have asked me to comment on S. 7, a bill to improve the administration of justice by prescribing fair administrative procedure, in the form in which it appears in the revised committee print issued October 5, 1945.

   I appreciate the opportunity to comment on this proposed legislation.

   For more than a decade there has been pending in the Congress legislation in one form or another designed to deal horizontally with the subject of administrative procedure, so as to overcome the confusion which inevitably has resulted from leaving to basic agency statutes the prescription of the procedures to be followed or, in many instances, the delegation of authority to agencies to prescribe their own procedures. Previous attempts to enact general procedural legislation have been unsuccessful generally because they failed to recognize the significant and inherent differences between the tasks of courts and those of administrative agencies or because, in their zeal for simplicity and uniformity, they propose too narrow and rigid a mold.

   Nevertheless, the goal toward which these efforts have been directed is, in my opinion, worth while. Despite difficulties of draftsmanship, I believe that over-all procedural legislation is possible and desirable. The administrative process is now well developed. It has been subject in recent years to the most intensive and informed study--by various congressional committees, by the Attorney General's Committee on Administrative Procedure, by organizations such as the American Bar Association, and by many individual practitioners and legal scholars. We have in general--as we did not have until fairly recently--the materials and facts at hand. I think the time is ripe for some measure of control and prescription by legislation. I cannot agree that there is anything inherent in the subject of administrative procedure, however complex it may be, which defies workable codification.

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   Since the original introduction of S. 7, I understand that opportunity has been afforded to public and private interests to study its provisions and to suggest amendments. The agencies of the Government primarily concerned have been consulted and their views considered. In particular, I am happy to note that your committee and the House Committee on the Judiciary, in an effort to reconcile the views of the interested parties, have consulted officers of this Department and experts in administrative law made available by this Department.

   The revised committee print issued October 5, 1945, seems to me to achieve a considerable degree of reconciliation between the views expressed by the various Government agencies and the views of the proponents of the legislation. The bill in its present form requires administrative agencies to publish or make available to the public an increased measure of information concerning their organization, functions, and procedures. It gives to that portion of the public which is to be affected by administrative regulations an opportunity to express its views before the regulations become effective. It prescribes, in instances in which existing statutes afford opportunity for hearing in connection with the formulation and issuance of administrative rules and orders, the procedures which shall govern such hearings. It provides for the selection of hearing officers on a basis designed to obtain highly qualified and impartial personnel and to insure their security of tenure. It also restates the law governing judicial review of administrative action.

   The bill appears to offer a hopeful prospect of achieving reasonable uniformity and fairness in administrative procedures without at the same time interfering unduly with the efficient and economical operation of the Government. Insofar as possible, the bill recognizes the needs of individual agencies by appropriate exemption of certain of their functions.

   After reviewing the committee print, therefore, I have concluded that this Department should recommend its enactment.

   My conclusion as to the workability of the proposed legislation rest on my belief that the provisions of the bill can and should be construed reasonably and in a sense which will fairly balance the requirements and interests of private persons and governmental agencies. I think it may be advisable for me to attach to this report an appendix discussing the principle provisions of the bill. This may serve to clarify some of the essential issues, and may

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assist the committee in evaluating the impact of the bill on public and private interests.

   I am advised by the Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget that while there would be no objection to the submission of this report, he questions the appropriateness of the inclusion of the words "independently of agency recommendations or ratings," appearing after the words "Examiners shall receive compensation prescribed by the [Civil Service] Commission" in section 11 of the bill, inasmuch as he deems it highly desirable that agency recommendations and ratings be fully considered by the Commission.

   With kind personal regards.

      Sincerely yours,

             TOM C. CLARK,
             Attorney General

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   Section 2: The definitions given in section 2 are of very broad character. It is believed, however, that this scope of definition will not be found to have any unexpected or unfortunate consequences in particular cases, inasmuch as the operative sections of the act are themselves carefully limited.

   "Courts" includes the Tax Court, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, the Court of Claims, and similar courts. This act does not apply to their procedure nor affect the requirement of resort thereto.

   In section 2 (a) the words "agencies composed of representatives of the parties or of representatives of organizations of the parties to the disputes determined by them" are intended to refer to the following, among others: National War Labor Board and the National Railroad Adjustment Board.

   In section 2 (c) the phrase "the approval or prescription for the future of rates, wages, corporate or financial structures or reorganizations thereof, prices, facilities, appliances," etc., is not, of course, intended to be an exhaustive enumeration of the types of subject matter of rule making. Specification of these particular subjects is deemed desirable, however, because there is no unanimity of recognition that they are, in fact, rule making. The phrase "for the future" is designed to differentiate, for example, between the process of prescribing rates for the future and the process of determining the lawfulness of rates charged in the past. The latter, of course, is "adjudication" and not "rule making." (Arizona Grocery Co. v. Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Co. (284 U.S. 370).)

   The definitions of "rule making" and "adjudication," set forth in subsections (c) and (d) of section 2, are especially significant. The basic scheme underlying this legislation is to classify all administrative proceedings into these two categories. The pattern is familiar to those who have examined the various proposals for administrative procedure legislation which have been introduced during the past few years; it appears also in the recommendations of the Attorney General's Committee on Administrative Procedure. Proceedings are classed as rule making under this act not merely because, like the legislative process, they result in regulations of

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general applicability but also because they involve subject matter demanding judgments based on technical knowledge and experience. As defined in subsection (c), for example, rule making includes not only the formulation of rules of general applicability, but also the formulation of agency action whether of general or particular applicability, relating to the types of subject matter enumerated in subsection (c). In many instances of adjudication, on the other hand, the accusatory element is strong, and individual compliance or behavior is challenged; in such cases, special procedural safeguards should be provided to insure fair judgments on the facts as they may properly appear of record. The statute carefully differentiates between these two basically different classes of proceedings so as to avoid, on the one hand, too cumbersome a procedure and to require, on the other hand, an adequate procedure.

   Section 3: This section applies to all agencies covered by the act, including war agencies and war functions. The exception of any function of the United States requiring secrecy in the public interest is intended to cover (in addition to military, naval, and foreign affairs functions) the confidential operations of the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States attorneys, and other prosecuting agencies, as well as the confidential functions of any other agency.

   Section 3 (a), by requiring publication of certain classes of information in the Federal Register, is not intended to repeal the Federal Register Act (44 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) but simply to require the publication of certain additional material.

   Section 3 (a) (4) is intended to include (in addition to substantive rules) only such statements of general policy or interpretations as the agency believes may be formulated with a sufficient degree of definiteness and completeness to warrant their publication for the guidance of the public.

   Section 3 (b) is designed to make available all final opinions or orders in the adjudication of cases. Even here material may be held confidential if the agency finds good cause. This confidential material, however, should not be cited as a precedent. If it is desired to rely upon the citation of confidential material, the agency should first make available some abstract of the confidential material in such form as will show the principles relied upon without revealing the confidential facts.

   Section 3 (c) is not intended to open up Government files for

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general inspection. What is intended is that the agencies, to the degree of specificity practicable, shall classify its material in terms of whether or not it is confidential in character and shall set forth in published rules the information or type of material which is confidential and that which is not.

   Section 4. The term "naval" in the first exception clause is intended to include the defense functions of the Coast Guard and the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation.

   Section 4 (b), in requiring the publication of a concise general statement of the basis and purpose of rules made without formal hearing, is not intended to require an elaborate analysis of rules or of the detailed considerations upon which they are based, but it is designed to enable the public to obtain a general idea of the purpose of, and a statement of the basic justification for, the rules. The requirement would also serve much the same as the whereas clauses which are now customarily found in the preambles of Executive orders.

   Section 4 (c): This subsection is not intended to hamper the agencies in cases in which there is good cause for putting a rule into effect immediately, or at some time earlier than 30 days. The section requires, however, that where an earlier effective date is desired the agency should make a finding of good cause therefor and publish its finding along with rule.

   Section 4 (d) simply permits any interested person to petition an agency for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule. It requires the reception and consideration of petitions, but does not compel an agency to undertake any rule-making procedure merely because a petition is filed.

   SEC. 5. Subject to the six exceptions set forth at the commencement of the section, section 5 to administrative adjudications "required by statute to be determined on the record after opportunity for an agency hearing." It is thus limited to cases in which the Congress has specifically required a certain type of hearing. The section has no application to rule making, as defined in section 2 (c). The section does apply, however, to licensing with the exception that section 5 (c), relating to the separation of functions, does not apply in determining applications for initial licenses, i.e., original licenses as contradistinguished from renewals or amendments of existing licenses.

   If a case falls within one of the six exceptions at the opening of section 5, no provision of section 5 has any application

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to that case; such a case would be governed by the requirements of other existing statutes.

   The first exception is intended to exempt, among other matters, certain types of reparation orders assessing damages, such as are issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Secretary of Agriculture, since such orders are admissible only as prima facie evidence in court upon attempted enforcement proceedings or (at least in the case of reparation orders issued by the Secretary of Agriculture under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act) on the appeal of the losing party. Reparation orders involving in part an administrative determination of the reasonableness of rates in the past so far as they are not subject to trial de novo would be subject to the provisions of section 5 generally but they have been specifically exempted from the segregation provisions of section 5 (c). In the fourth exception the term "naval" is intended to include adjudicative defense functions of the Coast Guard and the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, where such functions pertain to national defense.

   Section 5 (a) is intended to state minimum requirements for the giving of notice to persons who under existing law are entitled to notice of an agency hearing in a statutory adjudication. While in most types of proceedings all of the information required to be given in clauses (1), (2), and (3) may be included in the "notice of hearing" or other moving paper, in many instances the agency or other moving party may not be in position to set forth all of such information in the moving paper, or perhaps not even in advance of the hearing, especially the "matters of fact and law asserted." The first sentence of this subsection merely requires that the information specified should be given as soon as it can be set forth and, in any event, in a sufficiently timely manner as to afford those entitled to the information an adequate opportunity to meet it. The second sentence complements the first and requires agencies and other parties promptly to reply to moving papers of private persons or permits agencies to require responsive pleading in any proceedings.

   Section 5 (c) applies only to the class of adjudicatory proceedings included within the scope of section 5, i. e., cases of adjudication required by statute to be determined after opportunity for an agency hearing, and then not falling within one of the six excepted situations listed at the opening of section 5. As explained in the comments with respect to section 5 generally, this

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subsection does not apply either in proceedings to determine applications for initial licenses or in those to determine the reasonableness of rates in the past.

   In the cases to which this subsection is applicable, if the informal procedures described in section 5 (b) (1) are not appropriate or have failed, a hearing is to be held as provided in sections 7 and 8. At such hearings the same officers who preside at the reception of evidence pursuant to section 7 shall make the recommended decision or initial decision "required by section 8" except where such officers become unavailable to the agency. The reference to section 8 is significant. Section 8 (a) provides that, in cases in which the agency has not presided at the reception of the evidence, the officer who presided (or, in cases not subject to subsection (c) of section 5, an officer or officers qualified to preside at hearings pursuant to section 7) shall make the initial or recommended decision, as the case may be. It is plain, therefore, that in cases subject to section 5 (c) only the officer who presided at the hearing (unless he is unavailable for reasons beyond the agency's control) is eligible to make the initial or recommended decision, as the case may be.

   This subsection further provides that in the adjudicatory hearings covered by it no presiding officer shall consult any person or party on any fact in issue unless upon notice and opportunity for all parties to participate (except to the extent required for the disposition of ex parte matters as authorized by law). The term "fact in issue" is used in its technical, litigious sense.

   In most of the agencies which conduct adjudicative proceedings of the types subject to this subsection, the examiners are placed in organizational units apart from those to which the investigative or prosecuting personnel are assigned. Under this subsection such an arrangement will become operative in all such agencies. Further, in the adjudicatory cases covered by section 5 (c), no officer, employee, or agent engaged in the performance of investigative or prosecuting functions for any agency in any case shall, in that or a factually related case, participate or advise in the decision, recommended decision or agency review pursuant to section 8 except as witness or counsel in public proceedings. However, section 5 (c) does not apply to the agency itself or, in the case of a multiheaded agency, any member thereof. It would not preclude, for example, a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission personally conducting or supervising an investigation

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and subsequently participating in the determination of the agency action arising out of such investigation.

   Section 5 (c), applying as it does only to cases of adjudication (except determining applications for initial licenses or determining reasonableness of rates in the past) within the scope of section 5 generally, has no application whatever to rule making, as defined in section 2 (c). As explained in the comment on section 2 (c), rule making includes a wide variety of subject matters, and within the scope of those matters it is not limited to the formulation of rules of general applicability but includes also the formulation of agency action whether of general or particular application, for example, the reorganization of a particular company.

   Section 5 (d): Within the scope of section 5 (i.e., in cases of adjudication required by statute to be determined on the record after opportunity for an agency hearing, subject to certain exceptions) the agency is authorized to issue a declaratory order to terminate a controversy or remove uncertainty. Where declaratory orders are found inappropriate to the subject matter, no agency is required to issue them.

   Section 6: Subsection (a), in stating a right of appearance for the purpose of settling or informally determining the matter in controversy, would not obtain if the agency properly determines that the responsible conduct of public business does not permit. It may be necessary, for example, to set the matter down for public hearing without preliminary discussion because a statute or the subject matter or the special circumstances so require.

   It is not intended by this provision to require the agency to give notice to all interested persons, unless such notice is otherwise required by law.

   This subsection does not deal with, or in any way qualify, the present power of an agency to regulate practice at its bar. It expressly provides, moreover, that nothing in the act shall be construed either to grant or to deny the right of nonlawyers to appear before agencies in a representative capacity. Control over this matter remains in the respective agencies.

   Section 6 (b): The first sentence states existing law. The second sentence is new.

   Section 6 (c): The first sentence entitles a party to a subpena upon a statement or showing of general relevance and reasonable scope of the evidence sought. The second sentence is intended to

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state the existing law with respect to the judicial enforcement of subpenas.

   Section 6 (d): The statement of grounds required herein will be very simple, as contrasted with the more elaborate findings which are customarily issued to support an order.

   Section 7: This section applies in those cases of statutory hearing which are required by sections 4 and 5 to be conducted pursuant to section 7. Subject to the numerous exceptions contained in sections 4 and 5, they are cases in which an order or rule is to be made upon the basis of the record in a statutory hearing.

   Section 7 (a): The subsection is not intended to disturb presently existing statutory provisions which explicitly provide for certain types of hearing officers. Among such are (1) joint hearings before officers of the Federal agencies and persons designated by one or more States, (2) where officers of more than one agency sit, (3) quota allotment cases under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, (4) Marine Casualty Investigation Boards, (5) registers of the General Land Office, (6) special boards set up to review the rights of disconnected servicemen (38 U.S.C. 693h) and the rights of veterans to special unemployment compensation (38 U.S.C. 696h), and (7) boards of employees authorized under the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 17 (2)).

   Subject to this qualification, section 7 (a) requires that there shall preside at the taking of evidence one or more examiners appointed as provided in this act, unless the agency itself or one or more of its members presides. This provision is one of the most important provisions in the act. In many agencies of the Government this provision may mean the appointment of a substantial number of hearing officers having no other duties. The resulting expense to the Government may be increased, particularly in agencies where hearings are now conducted by employees of a subordinate status or by employees having duties in addition to presiding at hearings. On the other hand, it is contemplated that the Civil service Commission, which is empowered under the provisions of section 11 to prescribe salaries for hearing officers, will establish various salary grades in accordance with the nature and importance of the duties performed, and will assign those in the lower grades to duties now performed by employees in the lower brackets. It may also be possible for the agencies to reorganize their staffs so as to permit the appointment of full-time

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hearing officers by reducing the number of employees engaged on other duties.

   This subsection further provides for withdrawal or removal of examiners disqualified in a particular proceeding. Some of the agencies have voiced concern that this provision would permit undue delay in the conduct of their proceedings because of unnecessary hearings or other procedure to determine whether affidavits of bias are well founded. The provision does not require hearings in every instance but simply requires such procedure, formal or otherwise, as would be necessary to establish the merits of the allegations of bias. If it is manifest that the charge is groundless, there may be prompt disposition of the matter. On the other hand, if the affidavit appears to have substance, it should be inquired into. In any event, whatever procedure the agency deems appropriate must be made a part of the record in the proceeding in which the affidavit is filed.

   Section 7 (b): The agency may delegate to a hearing officer any of the enumerated powers with which it is vested. The enumeration of the powers of hearing officers is not intended to be exclusive.

   Section 7 (c): The first sentence states the customary rule that the proponent of a rule or order shall have the burden of proof. Statutory exceptions to the rule are preserved. Parties shall have the right to conduct such cross-examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts. This is not intended to disturb the existing practice of submitting technical written reports, summaries, and analyses of material gathered in field surveys, and other devices appropriately adapted to the particular issues involved in specialized proceedings. Whether the agency must in such cases produce the maker of the report depends, as it does under the present law, on what is reasonable in all the circumstances.

   It may be noted that agencies are empowered, in this subsection, to dispense with oral evidence only in the types of proceedings enumerated; that is, in instances in which normally it is not necessary to see and hear the witnesses in order properly to appraise the evidence. While there may be types of proceedings other than those enumerated in which the oral testimony of the witnesses is not essential, in such instances the parties generally consent to submission of the evidence in written form so that the

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inability of the agency to compel submission of written evidence would not be burdensome.

   The provision regarding "evidence in written form" does not limit the generality of the prevailing principle that "any evidence may be received"; that is, that the rules of evidence as such are not applicable in administrative proceedings, and that all types of pertinent evidentiary material may be considered. It is assumed, of course, that agencies will, in the words of the Attorney General's Committee on Administrative Procedure, rely only on such evidence (whether written or oral) as is "relevant, reliable, and probative." This is meant as a guide, but the courts in reviewing an order are governed by the provisions of section 10 (e), which states the "substantial evidence" rule.

   Section 7 (d): The transcript of testimony and exhibits, together with all papers and requests filed in the proceeding, shall constitute the exclusive record for decision, in the cases covered by section 7. This follows from the proposition that sections 7 and 8 deal only with cases where by statute the decision is to be based on the record of hearing. Further, section 7 is limited by the exceptions contained in the opening sentences of sections 4 and 5; accordingly, certain special classes of cases, such as those where decisions rest solely on inspections, tests, or elections, are not covered. The second sentence of the subsection enables the agency to take official notice of material facts which do not appear in the record, provided the taking of such notice is stated in the record or decision, but in such cases any party affected shall, on timely request, be afforded an opportunity to show the contrary.

   Section 8: This section applies to all hearings held under section 7.

   Section 8 (a): Under this subsection either the agency or a subordinate hearing officer may make the initial decision. As previously observed with respect to subsection (c) of section 5, in cases to which that subsection is applicable the same officer who personally presided over the hearing shall make such decision if it is to be made by a subordinate hearing officer. The agency may provide that in all cases the agency itself is to make the initial decision, or after the hearing it may remove a particular case from a subordinate hearing officer and thereupon make the initial decision. The initial decision of the hearing officer, in the absence of appeal to or review by the agency, is (or becomes) the decision of the agency. Upon review the agency may restrict its decision to ques-

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tions of law, or to the question of whether the findings are supported by substantial evidence or the weight of evidence, as the nature of the case may be. On the other hand, it may make entirely new findings either upon the record or upon new evidence which it takes. It may remand the matter to the hearing officer for any appropriate further proceedings.

   The intention underlying the last sentence of this subsection is to require the adoption of a procedure which will give the parties an opportunity to make their contentions to the agency before the issuance of a final agency decision. This sentence states as a general requirement that, whenever the agency makes the initial decision without having presided at the reception of the evidence, a recommended decision shall be filed by the officer who presided at the hearing (or, in cases not subject to section 5 (c), by any other officer qualified to preside at section 7 hearings). However, this procedure need not be followed in rule making or in determining applications for initial licenses (1) if, in lieu of a recommended decision by such hearing officer, the agency issues a tentative decision; (2) if, in lieu of a recommended decision by such hearing officer, a recommended decision is submitted by any of the agency's responsible officers; or (3) if, in any event, the agency makes a record finding that "due and timely execution of its function imperatively and unavoidably so requires."

   Subsection (c) of section 5, as explained in the comments on that subsection, does not apply to rule making. The broad scope of rule making is explained in the notes to subsection (c) of section 2.

   The second exception permits, in proceedings to make rules and to determine applications for initial licenses, the continuation of the widespread agency practice of serving upon the parties, as a substitute for either an examiner's report or a tentative agency report, a report prepared by the staff of specialists and technicians normally engaged in that portion of the agency's operations to which the proceeding in question relates. The third exception permits, in lieu of any sort of preliminary report, the agency to issue forthwith its final rule or its order granting or denying an initial license in the emergent instances indicated. The subsection, however, requires that an examiner issue either an initial or a recommended decision, as the case may be, in all cases subject to section 7 except rule making and determining applications for initial licenses. The act permits no deviation from

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this requirement, unless, of course, the parties waive such procedure.

   Section 8 (b): Prior to each recommended, initial, or tentative decision, parties shall have a timely opportunity to submit proposed findings and conclusions, and, prior to each decision upon agency review of either the decision of subordinate officers or of the agency's tentative decision, to submit exceptions to the initial, recommended, or tentative decision, as the case may be. Subject to the agency's rules, either the proposed findings or the exceptions may be oral in form where such mode of presentation is adequate.

   Section 9: Subsection (a) is intended to declare the existing law. Subsection (b) is intended to codify the best existing law and practice. The second sentence of subsection (b) is not intended to apply to temporary licenses which may be issued pending the determination of applications for licenses.

   Section 10: This section, in general, declares the existing law concerning judicial review. It provides for judicial review except insofar as statutes preclude it, or insofar as agency action is by law committed to agency discretion. A statute may in terms preclude judicial review or be interpreted as manifesting a congressional intention to preclude judicial review. Examples of such interpretation are: Switchmen's Union of North America v. National Mediation Board (320 U. S. 297); American Federation of Labor v. National Labor Relations Board (308 U. S. 401); Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway Co. v. United States (290 U. S. 127). Many matters are committed partly or wholly to agency discretion. Thus, the courts have held that the refusal by the National Labor Relations Board to issue a complaint is an exercise of discretion unreviewable by the courts (Jacobsen v. National Labor Relations Board, 120 F. (2d) 96 (C. C. A. 3d); Marine Engineers' Beneficial Assn. v. National Labor Relations Board, decided April 8, 1943 (C. C. A. 2d). certiorari denied, 320 U.S. 777). In this act, for example, the failure to grant a petition filed under section 4 (d) would be similarly unreviewable.

   Section 10 (a) : Any person suffering legal wrong because of any agency action, or adversely affected or aggrieved by such action within the meaning of any relevant statute, shall be entitled to judicial review of such action. This reflects existing law. In Alabama Power Co. v. Ickes (302 U.S. 464), the Supreme Court stated the rule concerning persons entitled to judicial review. Other cases having an important bearing on this subject are

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Massachusetts v. Mellon (262 U.S. 447), The Chicago Junction Case (264 U.S. 258), Sprunt & Son v. United States (281 U.S. 249), and Perkins v. Lukens Steel Co. (310 U.S. 113). An important decision interpreting the meaning of the terms "aggrieved" and "adversely affected" is Federal Communications Commission v. Sanders Bros. Radio Station (309 U. S. 470).

   Section 10 (b): This subsection requires that, where a specific statutory method is provided for reviewing a given type of case in the courts, that procedure shall be used. If there is no such procedure, or if the procedure is inadequate (i.e., where under existing law a court would regard the special statutory procedure as inadequate and would grant another form of relief), then any applicable procedure, such as prohibitory or mandatory injunction, declaratory judgment, or habeas corpus, is available. The final sentence of the subsection indicates that the question of the validity of an agency action may arise in a court proceeding to enforce the agency action. The statutes presently provide various procedures for judicial enforcement of agency action, and nothing in this act is intended to disturb those procedures. In such a proceeding the defendant may contest the validity of the agency action unless a prior, adequate, and exclusive opportunity to contest or review validity has been provided by law.

   Section 10 (c): This subsection states (subject to the provisions of section 10 (a)) the acts which are reviewable under section 10. It is intended to state existing law. The last sentence makes it clear that the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies with respect to finality of agency action is intended to be applicable only (1) where expressly required by statute (as, for example, is provided in 49 U.S.C. 17 (9)) or (2) where the agency's rules require that decisions by subordinate officers must be appealed to superior agency authority before the decision may be regarded as final for purposes of judicial review.

   Section 10 (d): The first sentence states existing law. The second sentence may be said to change existing law only to the extent that the language of the opinion in Scripps-Howard Radio, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission (316 U.S. 4,14), may be interpreted to deny to reviewing courts the power to permit an applicant for a renewal of a license to continue to operate as if the original license had not expired, pending conclusion of the judicial review proceedings. In any event, the court must find,

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of course, that granting of interim relief is necessary to prevent irreparable injury.

   Section 10 (e): This declares the existing law concerning the scope of judicial review. The power of the court to direct or compel agency action unlawfully withheld or unreasonably delayed is not intended to confer any nonjudicial functions or to narrow the principle of continuous administrative control enunciated by the Supreme Court in Federal Communications Commission v. Pottsville Broadcasting Co. (309 U.S. 134). Clause (5) is intented to embody the law as declared, for example, in Consolidated Edison Co. v. National Labor Relations Board (305 U.S. 197). There the Chief Justice said: "Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion (p. 229) * * * assurance of a desirable flexibility in administrative procedure does not go so far as to justify orders without a basis in evidence having rational probative force" (p. 230).

   The last sentence of this section makes it clear that not every failure to observe the requirements of this statute or of the law is ipso facto fatal to the validity of an order. The statute adopts the rule now well established as a matter of common law in all jurisdictions that error is not fatal unless prejudicial.

   Sec. 11: This section provides for the appointment, compensation, and tenure of examiners who will preside over hearings and render decisions pursuant to section 7 and 8. The section provides that appointments shall be made "subject to the civil service and other laws to the extent not inconsistent with this act". Appointments are to be made by the respective employing agencies of personnel determined by the Civil Service Commission to be qualified and competent examiners. The examiners appointed are to serve only as examiners except that, in particular instances (especially where the volume of hearings under a given statute or in a given agency is not very great), examiners may be assigned additional duties which are not inconsistent with or which do not interfere with their duties as examiners. To insure equality of participation among examiners in the hearing and decision of cases, the agencies are required to use them in rotation so far as may be practicable.

   Examiners are subject to removal only for good cause "established and determined" by the Commission. The Commission must afford the examiner a hearing, if requested, and must rest its

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decision solely upon the basis of the record of such hearing. It should be noted that the hearing and the decision are to be conducted and made pursuant to the provisions of section 7 and 8.

   Section 11 provides further that the Commission shall prescribe the compensation of examiners, in accordance with the compensation schedules provided in the Classification Act, except that the efficiency rating system set forth in that act shall not be applicable to examiners.

   Sec. 12: The first sentence of section 12 is intended simply to indicate that the act will be interpreted as supplementing constitutional and legal requirements imposed by existing law.

   The section further provides that "no subsequent legislation shall be held to supersede or modify the provisions of this act except to the extent that such legislation shall do so expressly". It is recognized that no congressional legislation can bind subsequent sessions of the Congress. The present act can be repealed in whole or in part at any time after its passage. However, the act is intended to express general standards of wide applicability. it is believed that the courts should as a rule of construction interpret the act as applicable on a broad basis, unless some subsequent act clearly provides to the contrary.