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Ambassador Susman's Remarks at Eid Al-Fitr

Ambassador Susman's Remarks at Eid Al-Fitr

12 September 2011

Ambassador Susman:  With Ramadan now at an end, my wife Marjorie and I are delighted to extend our best wishes to you; and – through you - to the more than two-million Muslims in the United Kingdom.

We are gratified to have this opportunity to host so many distinguished leaders from the Muslim community on such a joyous occasion.  

I have warm memories of our first meeting two years ago.  It was shortly after my arrival in the UK, and we considered it a great honor that you agreed to break your fast with us here at Winfield House.

I said then that it was the first of many opportunities we would have to get to know each other.  I promised to reach out to Muslims across the UK.

Pursuant to that pledge to you, our engagement has been ongoing.  I have met many times with members of Muslim communities.  I have spoken at events all over the country.  I have listened – and I have learned.

While, these interactions have been challenging, as you might expect - they have been enlightening and, hopefully have begun to create an atmosphere of trust and friendship between us.

As I remarked back in 2009, we cannot change things overnight.  Time has proven that to be true.  But I honestly believe that we are making great strides.

Two years on, we are also witnessing amazing and exciting moments few of us could have imagined, in what is known as the Arab Spring.

It is clear to America that driving these revolutions is not religious fervor or extremist ideology - but people demanding better lives for themselves and their families.

Those involved would simply no longer tolerate lack of economic opportunity, autocratic rule, and corruption.

Through their energy, spirit, and courage, Muslim populations from Tunisia and Egypt, to Libya and Syria, are leading the way in overwhelmingly peaceful pursuit of the universal rights, which we all cherish.

But, only by working together - in a spirit of mutual respect - can we find a more peaceful, prosperous and stable future for all.

So at this time of deep reflection, it is worth reminding ourselves that we share common aspirations, and that the values of Islam are the values we hold dear as Americans.


And whatever religion we practice, we can draw inspiration from events, such as this one tonight, that celebrate the role of faith in our lives.

America’s Founding Fathers understood that contribution which religion makes.  That is why they protected people’s freedom to practice the creed of their choosing - and enshrined that right in law.

To this day, America remains a nation where deeply religious people of all faiths can and do worship openly.

A nation where we try to live out the simple creed shared by all great religions: “do unto others, as you would have them do unto you”.

In that spirit, and at this time of peace and celebration, I wish you and your family a joyful and a very happy year ahead.

Thank you.  And may God’s peace be upon you.