
Lipinski Honors Jeannine McLaughlin on Her Made in America Home

Mr. Lipinski. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Jeannine McLaughlin for her unyielding patriotism and support of our great country. Our nation is fortunate to have people like Jeannine who support our country in unique, but very important ways. 

During the summer on 2004, while building a new home in LaGrange, Illinois, Jeannine committed an extraordinary patriotic act: she asked for her house to be built only with products made from American companies.

Throughout the design and building process, Jeannine put forth an extreme amount of time and energy in researching even the minutest details of her home; all in hopes of realizing her American dream home.  From the locks on her doors, to the tiles on her bathroom floors, Jeannine assured that all that could be made by American companies in America was used in her home. 

Jeannine sacrificed time and money for her American-made home.  She endured a ten percent increase in the building costs of her home.  Even the smallest fixtures in the house were at times double the cost of those from international competitors. As the labor of her dreams are realized,  Jeannine McLaughlin now looks at her home with pride as she knows her home is as American made as any home can be.

Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Jeannine McLaughlin for her unparalleled dedication to our country.  We wish her well in her new, truly American home.