
Floor Statement: Supporting H. Con. Res. 187 - Protecting the Great Lakes


U.S. House of Representatives

H. Con. Res. 187,
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the dumping of industrial waste into the Great Lakes

July 24, 2007

I rise today in support of H. Con. Res. 187, and in support of protecting one of America's most critical natural treasures, the Great Lakes. 

Through federal regulations and state and local cooperation, we have made great strides in cleaning up the Great Lakes.  Right now, we cannot step back now.  I am deeply troubled by BP's efforts to move ahead with their plan to significantly increase their dumping of ammonia and suspended solids into Lake Michigan.  All these pollutants can cause great harm to the environment and public health.  Over 40 million people in the Chicago area get their drinking water from the lake, and it is critical for tourism, recreation, and the fishing industry. We should not be doing less to protect the Great Lakes; we should be doing more, such as passing legislation I introduced along with Mark Kirk to stop municipalities from dumping waste into the lakes.

While I am pleased that the expansion of this refinery could help increase America's energy security and create new jobs, this cannot come at the expense of public health and the quality of our environment.  That is why BP must do everything possible to lower pollution emissions into Lake Michigan.  BP talks the talk about protecting the environment, it is time for BP to walk the walk and protect the lake.  The step forward today is to pass this resolution and send BP this message.