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Injury-control Recommendations: Bicycle Helmets. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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These recommendations on the use of bicycle helmets are the first in a series of Injury-Control Recommendations that are designed for state and local health departments or other organizations for use in planning injury control programs. Each publication in the series of Injury-Control Recommendations will provide information for program planners to use when implementing injury control interventions. These guidelines were developed for state and local agencies and organizations that are planning programs to prevent head injuries among bicyclists through the use of bicycle helmets. The guidelines contain information on the magnitude and extent of the problem of bicycle-related head injuries and the potential impact of increased helmet use; the characteristics of helmets, including biomechanical characteristics, helmet standards, and performance in actual crash conditions; barriers that impede increased helmet use; and approaches to increasing the use of bicycle helmets within the community. In addition, bicycle helmet legislation and community educational campaigns are evaluated.

MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control. 1995; 44(RR-1):1-17.
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