What is "My State Department"?

Answer ID 278   |    Published 01/11/2012 02:18 PM   |    Updated 01/20/2012 05:29 PM

What is "My State Department"?

The new My State Department feature (also found in upper right corner of the www.state.gov banner) allows users to select targeted categories, or "widgets," of information from state.gov so that updates to those categories are more easily found.  The feature uses an OpenID logon so that your preference settings will be consistent on any computer you use.  

OpenID is a service that allows you to sign in to many different websites using a single identity. Find out more about OpenID and how to get an OpenID-enabled account.

To help make My State Department even better, submit your suggestions by visiting http://contact-us.state.gov/app/ask. Select "Website" then "Website -- Comments and Suggestions" to leave your thoughts. You might also find some useful information and tips on our FAQ page: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/rls/dos/182302.htm