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Sustainable Acquisition
Sustainable Environmental Stewardship

Awards and Best Practices

I. Sustainability Awards

Award Information

Overview of DOE Award Process

DOE encourages its sites to nominate projects for DOE's Sustainability Awards, which recognize exemplary performance in integrating environmental sustainability into site operations. The Sustainability Award winners are selected by an independent panel of judges from various Federal agencies. The award categories for FY 2011 are as follows:

DOE Sustainability Award Categories

  1. Change Agents: An individual (or group of individuals) who takes the initiative to foster behavior change in his or her immediate work environment, organizational unit and/or site. Recognition will focus on efforts, large or small in scope, that advance one or more of the goals identified in the SSPP.
  2. Community Collaboration and Engagement: Examples of effective collaboration and engagement with local and regional community on energy and environmental sustainability issues.
  3. Comprehensive Energy Management: Comprehensive management approaches to energy efficiency and renewable energy management programs. Programs may be at the organizational, regional, or campus-wide level and should include cross-cutting strategies to achieve the goals of E.O. 13514.
  4. Comprehensive Fleet Management: Comprehensive management approaches to fleet management programs. Programs may be at the organizational, regional, or campus-wide level and should include cross-cutting strategies to achieve the goals of E.O. 13514 and the SSPP.
  5. Cradle to Cradle: Examples of an integrated, system-based, approach to the acquisition and/or management of products and materials. This may include, but is not limited to, source reduction practices related to the generation of non-hazardous solid wastes, hazardous wastes, or pollution, approaches that take into account the lifecycle impacts of a product or processes, or reusing or repurposing materials or products that would otherwise be discarded.
  6. Environmental Management Systems: Emphasis on subject matter breadth, integration of organizational units, integration of SSPP goals, and specific and measurable accomplishments.
  7. Exceptional Service/Sustainability Champion: The sustainability champion will demonstrate a history of exemplary performance in leading implementation of sustainable practices while reflecting a comprehensive approach to energy and environmental management through innovative strategies, practices, and outreach.
  8. Greenhouse Gas Management-Scope 1 and 2: Site greenhouse gas reduction strategies and management approaches that address Scope 1 and 2 emissions. The approach should exceed or supplement targets in the SSPP.
  9. Greenhouse Gas Management-Scope 3: Site greenhouse gas reduction strategies and management approaches that address Scope 3 emissions. The approach should exceed or supplement targets in the SSPP and emphasize a holistic approach to greenhouse gas management.
  10. Health and the Environment: Successful integration of health and environmental approaches. Examples might include strategies and resulting actions that simultaneously focus on both environmental sustainability and workplace safety.
  11. Integrative Planning and Design: Building or site-wide projects that emphasize cross-cutting collaboration to advance sustainability goals in the planning and design phase.
  12. Living Laboratory: Approaches that take sustainability goals and apply them to site operations and infrastructure. Particular emphasis will be placed on a site's advancement of innovative approaches and technologies developed by DOE sites.
  13. Sustainable Acquisition: Recognizes approaches that successfully integrate sustainable procurement strategies and advanced materials into their missions-saving energy, conserving water, and reducing health and environmental impacts while demonstrating environmental excellence in performance "beyond compliance."
  14. Water Resources: Sites that exemplify an integrated approach to water resources management, addressing all water types as potential resources (waste, storm, grey, etc.) and identifying opportunities for their reuse.

DOE sites submit their nominations for the Sustainability Awards Program through the Department's Pollution Prevention Tracking and Reporting System (PPTRS).

Send all comments, technical questions, and requests for PPTRS password access to:
HSS User Support

II. Best Practices

Best Practices/Lessons Learned provides a methodology for implementing DOE's goals for continuous improvement in its overall environmental program. The information covered here addresses all DOE functions influencing environmental impact, including design & construction, operations, and waste management, among others. These issues recognize a holistic approach to environmental protection and present methods to most efficiently achieve and improve DOE's environmental standards.

The best practices/lessons learned reviewed here were derived from these Pollutions Prevention Tracking and Reporting System awards and accomplishments. Appropriate best practices and lessons learned are collected based on operational categories to be effectively shared among all DOE stakeholders in an effort to improve complex-wide site operations.

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Related Sites

The links below contain best practices and lessons learned of potential interest to the P2 community.

Send all comments, technical questions, and requests for password access to:
HSS User Support
(800) 473-4375

This page was last updated on November 15, 2012