111th Fighter Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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Family Readiness Group

** Pre-deployment briefings (in Windows Media Video format) for 111th FW guardsmen and their families **
American Red Cross

Department of Veterans Affairs: Alan Schweizer
Department of Veterans Affairs: Lori Mass
Department of Veterans Affairs: Robert Constantini
Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR) Saul LaKier
Military Family: Counseling Services
Military One Source
Psychological Health

Get Involved
The 111th Fighter Wing Family Readiness Group (FRG) is a volunteer organization committed to providing support to military families. The FRG is a way to communicate with one another, ask questions, and express ideas and concerns. The FRG meets every month on Sunday of drill weekend in Building 203, Room 106 at 1:00 p.m. Contact the FRG by sending an email to anna.richar@ang.af.mil.

FRG Office: 215-323-7132

Joint Services Support Portal:

The Joint Services Support website is designed to give you a one-stop shop to find information on programs, benefits, resources and more. You can learn about Family Readiness Program Services and Plans and Operations by clicking on the links listed. The goal is to support and educate you along your journey as a family member of the National Guard in any and every way possible. Visit website: https://www.jointservicessupport.org.

Military OneSource:
Military OneSource is a free 24-hour service from the Department of Defense available to all active duty, Guard, and Reserve members and their families. Consultants provide information and make referrals on a wide range of issues. Free face-to-face counseling in the local community (up to twelve sessions per issue) is also available to service members and family members. To reach the program call 1-800-342-9647 or access the Web site at www.MilitaryOneSource.com

Military Kids supports Military Families
If deployed overseas for a 120-day mission or longer, you are eligible to apply for a grant (up to $500 per child) ages 3 years old through high school that covers up to six months of future instruction, lessons or tutoring for one activity or program. For more details and how to apply for the grant, visit: www.ourmilitarykids.org.

National Guard and Reserve Unit TRICARE Briefing/Educational Request Process:
Education is the key to understanding your TRICARE benefits. DoD is placing a high importance on the enhancement of health and dental care benefits for our Guard and Reserve members and their families. Education of the family members is probably the most important aspect of this process. Without the education process, the possibility drastically increases for problems to arise that can be very stressful and affect the pocket-book of our service members and their families.

Following are several resources available to supplement the information given at briefings.

TRICARE Smart site:
By going to the online TRICARE Smart site at www.tricare.osd.mil/tricaresmart/, downloadable educational pamphlets and materials are readily available. TRICARE Reserve and Guard web page: TRICARE has a full section devoted just for the specific issues and needs of Reserve and Guard members and their families at www.tricare.osd.mil/Reserve/.

Additional resources for Reserve and Guard benefits can be found at www.tricare.osd.mil/Reserve/sources.cfm or by contacting the supporting military treatment facility's Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC). A list of all BCAC's can be obtained at www.tricare.osd.mil/bcac/.

National Military Family Association http://www.nmfa.org

NMFA Family Award http://www.nmfa.org/familyaward

American Academy of Pediatrics Uniformed Services Deployment Page http://www.aap.org/sections/unifserv/deployment/index.htm
Helping children and adolescents through the difficulties of deployment in the family

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