
Technical Institute Programs

Scientist working with lab equipment

Critical skills of critical importance

Hone your skills in a specific research area by interning at one of Sandia’s technical institutes.

In addition to offering technical and business internships in various departments, Sandia has established unique technical institutes at our New Mexico and California sites. These institutes provide opportunities to work on projects with Sandia scientists and engineers in specific technical areas, including cybersecurity, computer and computational science, predictive simulation, remote-sensing technologies, electrical and mechanical engineering, the physical sciences, and software engineering.

Technical institute interns perform leading-edge research under the guidance of a Sandia research mentor and use world-class, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Examples of intern activities include designing the programmable logic for a prototype system, contributing to a predictive-simulation model, and working with pulsed-power experiments.

The internship experience is supplemented with technical seminars, tours, and workshops, as well as a myriad of social activities — giving interns an excellent overview of Sandia's mission, research, and organizational culture.

Sandia currently has nine institutes:

See how the institutes compare