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Other Web Resources on Violence Against Women

Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse
"The Minnesota Center Against Violence & Abuse operates this Electronic Clearinghouse via the World Wide Web with access to thousands of Gopher servers, interactive discussion groups, newsgroups and a wealth of violence against women Web sites around the world. The goal of the Clearinghouse is to provide a quick and user friendly access point to the extensive electronic resources on the topic of violence and abuse available through the Internet. More and more frequently, documents on our site as well as others are provided in multiple formats so that they can be viewed on the World Wide Web or downloaded using a commonly available word processing software. Some documents are also available in photo-ready formats but must be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is provided free of charge."

National Center for Injury Prevention & Control-Division of Violence Prevention
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has focused on violence prevention since the early 1980s, when efforts included the prevention of youth violence, suicide, and suicide attempts. Early in 1994, CDC was funded to strengthen efforts to prevent family and intimate violence. The Division of Violence Prevention in CDC's, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control has four priority areas for violence prevention: youth violence, family and intimate violence, suicide, and firearm injuries."

Office for Victims of Crime
"The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) was established by the 1984 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) to oversee diverse programs that benefit victims of crime. OVC provides substantial funding to state victim assistance and compensation programs -- the lifeline services that help victims to heal. The agency also supports trainings designed to educate criminal justice and allied professionals regarding the rights and needs of crime victims. OVC is one of five bureaus and four offices, with grant-making authority, within the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice."

Center for Impact Research
The Center for Impact Research (CIR) is a Chicago-based not-for-profit organization that works toward the elimination of poverty through grass-roots research aimed at identifying innovative policy strategies that better reflect the needs of low-income persons. CIR's projects all result in new poverty solutions crafted in collaboration with low-income persons, community-based organizations, and government agencies.

University of New Hampshire Family Research Laboratory
"Since 1975, the Family Research Laboratory (FRL) has devoted itself primarily to understanding family violence and the impact of violence in families. As public and professional interest in family violence has grown, so has the need for more reliable knowledge. The FRL has tried to fill that need in a variety of ways: through comprehensive literature reviews, new theories, and methodologically sound studies. Researchers at the FRL pioneered many of the techniques that have enabled social scientists to estimate directly the scope of family violence. These efforts have brought international recognition to the FRL." The website offers information about publications, projects, conferences, and post-doc fellowships related to violence against women.

Office on Violence Against Women
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVAW) in the U.S. Department of Justice provides a great deal of information on the federal government's efforts to combine "tough new federal criminal laws with assistance to states and localities to fight violence against women. OVAW is dedicated to enhancing victim safety and ensuring offender accountability by supporting policies, protocols, and projects that call for zero tolerance of all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. OVAW administers one formula and four discretionary grant programs authorized by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The website offers information about grants and application kits, publications, training, technical assistance, conferences and workshops, intern opportunities, and a listing of violence against women resources.

Date Created: November 28, 2007