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Financial Details

Financial Support
Graduate students coming to the NIH for Ph.D. dissertation research fall into one of two categories: Institutional Partnership Graduate Students enter through NIH-University Partnership and Individual Partnership Graduate Students enter through the development of an Individual Partnership with an NIH Investigator.

Funding for Individual Partnership Graduate Students
Financial support for stipend, health insurance, tuition (if allowed) and the allocation of resources for students in the individual agreement GPP program is provided by the either the graduate university, NIH mentor and/or IC consistent with the applicable provisions of the IRTA (2300-320-07) and VF (2300-320-03) manual chapters. [Please note, GPP students who are appointed as special volunteers may receive no stipend or other financial support from the IC.]  

Funding for Institutional Partnership Graduate Students
Graduate students who have applied to and are now enrolled in NIH-University partnership programs receive an NIH Intramural Research Training Award for stipend, health benefits, and tuition support as needed. This award is renewable up to five years based on the student's progress toward degree. Stipend levels increase yearly - see the Pre-doctoral Stipend table for details.

Supplemental Funding
Supplemental funding may be granted to trainees who wish to come to NIH for a period of research training under the auspices of traineeships or grants awarded by outside (non-Federal) organizations or institutions, when the funding provided is insufficient to support the Trainees during research training in NIH laboratories. Guidelines relating to supplemental funding may be found in the IRTA and Visiting Fellow manual chapters.