All Energy Tools

NPRA Search
NPRA Search
Search the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA) data set
Geospatial Information Systems
Geospatial Information Systems
The Energy Resource Program's GIS data finder application
A single map viewer portal incorporating a range of maps, data and services
Publications Database
Publication Search
A searchable database of thousands of published sources, dating back several decades
National Coal Resources Data System
National Coal Resources Data System
The USGS's coal quality database of national scope
ERP Multimedia Library
Multimedia Library
ERP's galleries of public-domain, high-resolution images and other multimedia files
Photomicrograph Atlas
Photomicrograph Atlas
View and compare ASTM and ICCP defined coal macerals within a USGS photomicrograph library
World Geologic Maps
World Geologic Maps
Browse through our one of a kind collection of small scale geologic maps. Includes web services, printable maps and GIS data
Oil Shale Calculator
Oil Shale Calculator
Click on 'select area' to draw a polygon that provides an estimate of the amount of barrels of in-place oil from oil shale in the area

Page Last Modified: Tuesday, July 10, 2012