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January 30, 2012

Senate internships are a wonderful means of learning the inner workings of the federal government and the legislative process. Internships are available in all five of Claire's Missouri offices and in her Washington, D.C. office.

Interns in Claire's offices have a number of responsibilities ranging from administrative tasks and office duties to aiding the press secretary, legislative staff, outreach staff and constituent case workers. Tasks assigned may include answering phones, greeting guests, researching and preparing legislative projects, organizing constituent mail, drafting press releases and attending constituent meetings.

All internships are unpaid, but students are encouraged to inquire with their college or university about earning class credit for their internship.

Claire's internship program offers three sessions each year:

  • Fall academic semester (September - December)
  • Spring academic semester (January - early May)
  • Summer Session (late May - August)

Application Process
To apply please contact Kyle Simpson in our Washington, D.C. Office at 202-224-6154. All college students are invited to apply, but preference is given to Missouri residents and students.

Deadlines to submit applications

Washington, D.C. Office

  • Fall academic semester (September - December) - deadline July 15
  • Spring academic semester (January - early May) - deadline November 15
  • Summer Session (late May - August) - deadline April 15

State Offices
Deadlines for the state offices vary. Please contact the individual offices to inquire about their deadline for receiving applications.