
The Humboldt-Toiyabe's spectacular 6.3 million acres makes it the largest national forest in the lower 48 states. Located in Nevada and a small portion of eastern California, the Forest offers year-round recreation of all types. 

Snow covers a rocky view of the Spring Mountains NRA

Recent News


ANNOUNCEMENT- All applications for seasonal positions due 2/15/13

Applications for seasonal positions must be in by Feb. 15, 2013. The forest will begin going through applications within 3 weeks after this date. 

Carson Valley Trails Association Builds Sierra Canyon Trail Bridge

Four Carson Valley Trails Association members built an 18-foot-long trail bridge in 5 days in November. The bridge is part of  the 16-mile Sierra Canyon/ Genoa Loop Trail near Genoa, Nevada, on the Carson Ranger District of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest.  

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