103rd Airlift Wing, Connecticut Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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tabOur Proud Heritage 
From the beginning of military aviation
The "Flying Yankees" of the 103rd Airlift Wing are the third oldest Air National Guard unit in the United States, tracing their lineage back over 80 years to the earliest years of military aviation. Starting later, but no less significantly the wing's geographically separated unit "Yankee Watch" of the 103rd Air Control Squadron, is the oldest unit of its kind in the Air National Guard.
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tabOur Bright Future 
Moving Forward
As the nation's defense strategy changes and DOD looks to re-capitalize aging equipment and lean fighting forces, the CTANG has been busy transforming their roles and missions to insure our future missions are relevant and applicable to military operational requirements throughout the 21st century.
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tabAir National Guard: A Short Story 
The Air National Guard as we know it today -- a separate reserve component of the United States Air Force -- was a product of the politics of postwar planning and interservice rivalry during World War II. The men who planned and maneuvered for an independent postwar Air Force during World War II didn't place much faith in the reserves, especially the state-dominated National Guard.

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