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This image shows Spirit's traverse map through sol 2555
This image shows Opportunity's traverse map through sol 3212
Spirit's traverse map through Sol 2555
Spirit's total odometry is unchanged at 7,730.50 meters (4.80 miles).

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Spirit's Traverse Map Archive >>

see the latest Spirit traverse animation Latest traverse video:
Aerial View of Spirit's Journey
June 3, 2005
This video clip shows a simulated aerial view of Spirit's journey from sol 149 through sol 502.

Spirit simulated 3-D traverse map: sol 502 Special Image:
Simulated 3-D image of Spirit's Journey
June 6, 2005
This image shows a simulated 3-D view of Spirit's journey from sol 149 through sol 502.
Spirit panorama traverse map: sol 572 Special Image:
Simulated Panorama image of Spirit's Journey
Aug 15, 2005
This image shows a simulated Panorama view of Spirit's journey from sol 149 through sol 572.
Opportunity's traverse map through Sol 3212
Total odometry as of Sol (February 11, 2013), is 22.07 miles (35,522 meters).

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Opportunity's Traverse Map Archive >>
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