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Postdoctoral Programs
Job Postings
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory hosts postdoctoral scholars whose studies cover all aspects of Earth, Planetary, Astrophysical, and Technology research. New opportunities frequently arise and applications are welcomed.

The appointees will be guided by a JPL advisor to ensure that the research will result in publications in the open literature. The positions are open immediately and will remain open until filled. Appointments are contingent upon completion of a Ph.D. and annual starting salaries can vary somewhat according to the applicant's qualifications.
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Tectonics and Evolution of the Terrersrial Planets
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
The broad topic is geologic, tectonic, and convective processes of the terrestrial planets, especially Venus, Mars, and the Moon..
Date Posted: 02/05/2013
Advisor Name: Smrekar,Suzanne,E
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Ocean Modeling and Data Analysis
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
The research will focus on studying ocean-earth interactions and developing a multi-scale ocean circulation model as part of NASA’s GRACE science team project.
Date Posted: 03/27/2012
Advisor Name: Y. Tony Song
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MgB2 based THz mixer for astrophysics
Astrophysics/Space Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Our research activity focuses on the development of the ultrawideband THz HEB mixer using MgB2 films for balloons, SOFIA, and Millimetron.
Date Posted: 10/08/2012
Advisor Name: Karasik,Boris,S
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Planetary Orbits, Rotation and Gravity Fields
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Analysis of spacecraft radio tracking data for determining planetary orbits, rotational dynamics, and gravity fields.
Date Posted: 04/07/2011
Advisor Name: Folkner,William,M
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Time-resolved Raman spectrometers for in situ planetary mineralogy
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Develop a time resolved green Raman and Fluorescence instrument suitable for planetary mineralogy onboard a rover (e.g. on Mars). Innovative technology would employ pulsed lasers, high bandwidth detectors, and flight-suitable optical solutions.
Date Posted: 04/18/2011
Advisor Name: Blacksberg,Jordana
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Quantification of mineral dust seasonal dynamics, regional features, and direct radiative effects through current and improved MISR products
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
2. Analyze MISR current and new dust products in conjunction with transport model
Date Posted: 06/20/2012
Advisor Name: Kalashnikova,Olga,V
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Ionospheric remote sensing using GNSS and SAR
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Postdoctoral Research on Ionospheric Remote Sensing and Modeling
Date Posted: 10/11/2011
Advisor Name: Xiaoqing Pi
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Cosmology and the Cosmic Microwave Background
Astrophysics/Space Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Research in cosmology, with emphasis on the cosmic microwave background
Date Posted: 10/31/2011
Advisor Name: Lawrence,Charles,R
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CARVE - The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
CARVE airborne science data acquisition and analysis
Date Posted: 02/07/2012
Advisor Name: Charles Miller
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Advanced Technology Development for Future UV Missions
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Date Posted: 01/31/2012
Advisor Name: Nikzad,Shouleh
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Megacity CO2 Monitoring
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Monitor atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4 and other tracers for understanding and quantifying emissions from the Los Angeles megacity
Date Posted: 02/07/2012
Advisor Name: Charles Miller
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Postdoctotal work in planetary instrumentation
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Postdoctoral position in planetary spectrometer development
Date Posted: 02/08/2012
Advisor Name: Ram Vasudev
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Compact Broad Band mid- Infrared Spectrometers
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Successful candidate will carry out research and develop chemistry, physics and optics necessary for making these instruments in the Quantum Science and Technology Group. Will interact with collaborators at JPL, Caltech and other institutions. Will work in team environment and will contribute to team’s effort. Will publish in technical refereed journals and present results in technical conferences.
Date Posted: 02/29/2012
Advisor Name: Mansour,Kamjou
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Radar properties of Icy Bodies
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Laboratory characterization of icy moons analogs and radar propagation modelling
Date Posted: 05/21/2012
Advisor Name: Heggy,Essam
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Laboratory UV Spectroscopy for Application to Spacecraft Observations of the Atmospheres of the Planets
Planetary Science
JPL/Caltech Postdoctoral Program
UV observations of Planetary Atmospheres and the Interstellar Medium (ISM) made from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Cassini, and the MAVEN missions require accurate laboratory measurements of electron and proton collision cross sections, wavelength positions and oscillator strengths of the abundant species. The laboratory objectives are: 1) to measure at high spectral resolution predissociation yields and emission cross sections (10eV-2keV) of N2 c', b, b'-X transitions 2) to complete high resolution UV spectroscopic model from 75-165nm for the B, B', B'-X, n=2,3,4, and C, D, D', D'-X, n=2,3,4,5 Rydberg series of H2 using recently calculated ab initio A-values and 4) to study optically-forbidden emission cross section of OI(135.6nm) and its cascade OI(844.6nm).
Date Posted: 08/02/2012
Advisor Name: Joseph Ajello
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Chemistry of Planetary Ices
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Studies of chemical processes in cryogenic ices using infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectroscopy and mass spectrometry
Date Posted: 08/15/2012
Advisor Name: Hodyss,Robert
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Research Associate
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Postdoc in Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation
Date Posted: 08/22/2012
Advisor Name: Junjie Liu
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Research in Mass Spectroscopy
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Basic and applied research in mass spectroscopy and chromatography
Date Posted: 08/31/2012
Advisor Name: Darrach,Murray,R
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Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Earth Science
JPL/Caltech Postdoctoral Program
Currently, we have positions open for participating in basic research and technology development in the areas of atomic and optical clocks, frequency and time transfer, atom interferometry and its applications, ultra-cold atom physics in microgravity, as well as whispering galley mode applications and devices in mid-IR and UV.
Date Posted: 09/24/2012
Advisor Name: Dr. Nan Yu
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Debris Disks Modeling and Observations
Astrophysics/Space Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Date Posted: 10/15/2012
Advisor Name: Mennesson,Bertrand,Dr
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Studying Obscured AGN with NuSTAR and WISE
Astrophysics/Space Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
The NPP Fellow will study the interplay of AGN activity and stellar emission, with a focus on both the most extreme obscured AGN studied by WISE and NuSTAR as well as the more general AGN populations identified by these satellites.
Date Posted: 10/16/2012
Advisor Name: Daniel Stern
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Postdoctoral Research Position in Experimental Planetary Science
Planetary Science
JPL/Caltech Postdoctoral Program
conducting laboratory measurements on clathrate hydrates, developing thermodynamic and kinetic models, and applying to the outer Solar System
Date Posted: 12/11/2012
Advisor Name: Mathieu Choukroun
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Experimental Investigation of the Stability, Formation, and Exchanges in Clathrate Hydrates for Outer Solar System Applications
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
The objective of this postdoctoral position is to contribute to carrying these new measurements and develop thermodynamic and kinetic models of the results. Among others, the results shall be used to provide new answers to two broad planetary science questions: 1) Did clathrate hydrates form in the solar nebula, based on their stability and kinetics of formation? 2) What chemical reactions may occur in the clathrate phase under changing Titan conditions, how fast, and what are their geophysical and geochemical consequences? Candidates with laboratory experience, and familiar with either of the experimental / analytical techniques to be used in this project are encouraged to apply.
Date Posted: 12/11/2012
Advisor Name: Mathieu Choukroun
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Thermosphere-Ionosphere Space Weather
Astrophysics/Space Science
JPL/Caltech Postdoctoral Program
Will perform data analysis and physics-based modeling in support of space weather research, focused on the thermosphere-ionosphere system and its coupling to the magnetosphere and solar wind, and to the lower atmosphere.
Date Posted: 12/30/2012
Advisor Name: Anthony J Mannucci
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Medium Range Thermosphere Ionosphere Storm Forecasts
Astrophysics/Space Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Will perform data analysis and physics-based modeling in support of space weather research, focused on the thermosphere-ionosphere system and its coupling to the magnetosphere and solar wind, and to the lower atmosphere.
Date Posted: 12/31/2012
Advisor Name: Mannucci,Anthony,J
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Imaging and modeling crustal deformation using space geodesy
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Imaging and modeling crustal deformation using space geodesy
Date Posted: 01/04/2013
Advisor Name: Zhen,Liu
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Planetary Surface Compounds: Chemistry and Synthesis
Planetary Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Synthesize and spectrally characterize planetary surface compounds
Date Posted: 01/09/2013
Advisor Name: Dalton,James,B
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Postdoctoral Position in Aerosol, Clouds and Climate Studies
Earth Science
JPL/Caltech Postdoctoral Program
The research will involve use of satellite and other observations to study regionally dependent aerosols influence on clouds, precipitation and climate. Immediate emphasis is on the continued satellite data analysis using collocated "A-Train" data to investigate the relationships of aerosol profiles with cloud top height, cloud particle size, cloud fraction, cloud water content, and precipitation intensity and frequency, on a regional and seasonal basis.
Date Posted: 02/15/2013
Advisor Name: Jonathan H. Jiang
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Postdoctoral Research Position in System Modeling and Simulation
JPL/Caltech Postdoctoral Program
The research will involve the extension of space system and mission modeling to interface with domain specific behavioral models in collaboration with JPL's IMCE (Integrated Model-Centric Engineering) initiative.
Date Posted: 02/15/2013
Advisor Name: Georg Siebes
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Megacity Carbon Emissions: Exploiting a Broad Range of Remote Sensing Data
Earth Science
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Postdoc sought to incorporate a wide range of remote sensing data in emissions estimate of CO2 in megacities
Date Posted: 02/15/2013
Advisor Name: Eldering,Annmarie
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Program Administrator: Rowena Kloepfer
Site Manager: Brian Knosp
Webmaster: Clayton Dilks
JPL Clearance: CL# 09-2712