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Metal Industry Indicators

The Metal Industry Indicators (MII) is a monthly newsletter that analyzes and forecasts the economic health of five metal industries: primary metals, steel, copper, primary aluminum, and aluminum mill products. Composite leading and coincident indexes were developed under a cooperative agreement with the former Center for International Business Cycle Research (CIBCR) at Columbia University. The composite leading and coincident indexes are constructed with a set of indicators that historically have proven to lead or coincide with the major changes in these industries. Each month, these indexes are analyzed along with any economy-wide occurrences that would affect the metals industries. To view or print a document in PDF format, download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Historical data for the MII indexes are usually updated the third Friday of each month. However in March, the historical data file is scheduled to be updated on Friday, March 22. The latest file of historical data was updated on February 15 and contains revised indexes that will appear in the February 2013 MII.

The latest summary report for the MII was updated on February 15 and contains the indexes that will appear in the February 2013 MII. The next update to the summary report is scheduled for March 22.


Subscribe by E-mail

Readers interested in receiving an e-mail notice when the full MII report becomes available, may now subscribe to the MI-METAL-INDICATORS list service. Please visit Minerals Information E-mail List Services for instructions on how to subscribe. The MI-METAL-INDICATORS list service is included in "Other."

Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industry Indexes

The USGS has prepared leading and coincident indexes for the Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industry (NAICS 327). These indexes are similar to the ones in Metal Industry Indicators. The latest report for these indexes, January 2013, is available in PDF format.

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