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News items for May 2012

Posted on May 17, 2012

   An awardee of the SBIR Program at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) within the U.S. Department of Education (ED) was recognized at the recent Software & Information Industry Association’s (SIIA) Ed-Tech Business Forum Innovator Incubator competition. Wisconsin-based Filament Games won first place for the “Most Innovative Technology Product” and second place for “Most Likely to Succeed” at the May event in San Francisco. Filament Games competed against 73 other applicants – and 11 finalists – to win the awards. Filament Games’ product, Game-enhanced Interactive Life Science (GILS) suite, is a set of web-based life science games designed to facilitate deeper...
Posted on May 17, 2012

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs have funded great companies like Qualcomm, Genzyme, and iRobot in their earliest days.  These federal programs are what help our entrepreneurs grow, succeed and create jobs, and the Obama Administration has made its success a priority.  The good news is, the program was reauthorized for six years by Congress and signed into law by President Obama at the end of 2011.  Since then, the Small Business Administration has been working diligently on the detailed rulemaking (read the Federal Register notice [pdf][txt])necessary to implement the reauthorization. Starting today, SBA is...
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