Pledge Your Support for Michigan Workers #default

Michigan workers are fighting back against Governor Rick Snyder's anti-worker "right-to-work-for-less" legislation.

2,500 Philadelphia Security Officers Score a Victory-- For Black-Brown Cooperation #default

This week more than 2,500 Philadelphia security officers ratified their first-ever citywide union contract. What does it mean? Effective on January 1, most officers will see their hourly wages increase from between $8 and $11 per hour to between $10.45...

Petition: Stand with workers at JFK #default

Airport workers at JFK who work for Airserv and Global Elite Security are voting to authorize a strike. Sign the petition to support them.

Congressional Health Care Heroes Stand Up for Medicaid #the-healthcare-law

One day after a national day of action where thousands of SEIU members took a stand to protect Medicaid and Medicare, Democrats and healthcare advocates united at a press conference on Capitol Hill to share a public call to protect Medicaid funding during fiscal cliff negotiations.