Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy

Nonproliferation and National Security Program (NPNS)

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NPNS applies technical expertise to address global security threats, finding and implementing practical solutions to realize nonproliferation and national security policy objectives.

Technical Nonproliferation Policy Support (TNPS) deals with the strategic threat posed by the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Terrorist groups and rogue states will go to great lengths to acquire nuclear weapons and other WMD. History shows that these groups exploit international commercial markets and weaknesses in safeguards to acquire the materials, equipment, and technology for the clandestine facilities needed to build these weapons. TNPS activities comprise both technical assistance provided by the Proliferation Analysis (PA) team, from the macro (regime) level to the micro (transaction) level, and collaborations to promote and strengthen policy implementation in the US and in scores of international partner countries through the Nonproliferation Engagement and Training (NET) team. These activities span the policy domains of export control and interdiction, weapon scientist redirection, multinational fuel cycle arrangements, nuclear safeguards, proliferation resistance, and nuclear security.

National Security Systems and Assessments (NSSA) deals with immediate threats to national infrastructure, information networks, and security systems. National Security Information Systems (NSIS) develops both unclassified and classified information technology (IT) systems for national security and nonproliferation programs, with a focus on security operations, cyber security, and law enforcement support. The Vulnerability Assessment Team (VAT) conducts multi-disciplinary research and development on physical security devices, systems and programs, focusing extensively in the areas of product anti-counterfeiting, tamper and intrusion detection, cargo security, nuclear safeguards and the human factors associated with security. Radiological Detection and Response focuses on radiological security, testing radiation detection systems.


A detailed list of POCs (Persons of Contact) for the Nonproliferation and National Security Program is available in the NPNS Contacts Overview page.

Last Modified: Tue, May 29, 2012 12:24 PM



For more information:

Nonproliferation and National Security Dept.
Dept. Manager: Pete Heine
Fax:  +1 630-252-7308

P. Heine's Executive Bio

Argonne Experts Argonne Experts: P. Heine
Pete Heine on LinkedIn


See also the NPNS Contacts page featuring a detailed contact list for all the NPNS Department.


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