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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   About   >     >   HUDVet State and Local Resources
HUDVet State and Local Resources

The HUDVET Directory's State and Local Resources Section was designed to assist the planning and delivery of community-based Continuum of Care services for veterans who are homeless.

Four categories of services are available at the community level to address the readjustment and/or reintegration needs of homeless veterans. The services are divided into Federal, State, Veterans Service Organizations, and Advocacy Organizations. When working together, these resources form the foundation of a comprehensive and coordinated Continuum-of-Care program for veterans.

CPD programs such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and Continuum of Care may also provide needed services to veterans.
Map of the United States Washington Oregon California Nevada Arizona Idaho Utah Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky Illinois Wisconsin Michigan Indiana Ohio Alabama Florida Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Virginia West Virginia Pennsylvania District of Columbia Maryland Deleware New Jersey Connecticut New York Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Maine Hawaii Alaska Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands American Samoa Guam

Click on a state or a link below to download spreadsheets containing HUDVet Regional contact information. Please note: If you do not have Microsoft Excel available to view these worksheets, you may download the free Excel viewer from Microsoft.