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How HUD Helps

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Key Programs

Today HUD provides resources that are important to all Americans and their families:

  • Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) advances capital to nonprofit sponsors of rental housing with suppor-tive services.
  • Through the HOPE VI program, HUD provides grants to eligible applicants for the demolition, construction, and rehabili-tation of public housing; development of replacement housing; and community and supportive services that provide public housing residents with resources to support their progress toward sufficiency. The HOPE VI program encourages public housing authorities (PHAs) to seek new partnerships with private entities to create mixed-finance and mixed-income affordable housing that is a departure from traditional public housing.
  • Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) enable local agencies to create a "continuum of care" for homeless people including homeless veterans. HUD's Supportive Housing Program (SHP) funds are used to provide housing and services, Shelter Plus Care (S+C) grants provide rental assistance for homeless people with disabilities, and Single Room Occupancy (SRO) assistance is used to rehabilitate SRO dwellings and provide rental assistance, matched by services from other sources.
  • The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides grants to states, cities, and counties to expand economic opportunities and help provide suitable living environments for low- and moderate-income people.
  • HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) grants help jurisdictions expand the supply of decent and affordable rental and ownership housing for low- and very low-income people. HOME funds can be used to support rental assistance, first-time homebuyer and existing homeowner assistance, and new construction or rehabilitation of housing.
  • Section 8 Rental Assistance helps low- and very low-income people, including veterans, afford decent rental housing, while the Section 8 homeownership program helps people use that assistance to purchase a home.
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) addresses the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS, including emergency housing, shared housing arrangements, apartments, SRO, and shared residences.
  • Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities (Section 811) provides funding to expand the supply of supportive housing for people with disabilities through capital advances, project rental assistance, and tenant-based rental assistance.

HUD Planning Processes

To better serve its constituents, HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) has developed a consolidated planning process that increases opportunities for veterans and other citizens to become involved in deciding how HUD program funds and other housing and development resources will be used in their communities. Although communities can tailor the planning process to fit their needs, all must bring together citizens-explicitly including low-income and minority persons- representatives of local institutions, community groups, and government officials to develop a Consolidated Plan and set priorities. In this website, veterans' advocates will find the points of contact for agencies responsible for developing the Consolidated Plan in their State. The Consolidated Plan point of contact for your city or county can be reached by contacting the Community Development Department within each respective agency.

HUD on the Internet

On the Internet's World Wide Web, HUD's home page provides current information about HUD programs, housing opportunities, Executive Summaries of Consolidated Plans, and connections to a comprehensive listing of related resources. In addition, you can access the local HUD Office's site through HUD's home page.

If you have suggestions about how we can improve this directory or have other comments, please contact HUDVET at 800-998-9999, TDD 800-483-2209, Fax 301-519-5027, or e-mail

Content current as of 22 September 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top