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Water Safety

Park Rangers Wear Personal Floatation DevicesThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District welcomes your interest in water safety. We want to encourage visitors to our recreational facilities and lakes to use caution while boating, fishing, or swimming. Watch Your Children! Each year about 200 children drown in the U.S. and several thousand others are treated in hospitals for submersion accidents, accidents which leave children with permanent brain damage and respiratory health problems. Remember, it only takes a few seconds for a small child to wander away and as little as eight seconds for a child to drown. Children have a natural curiosity and attraction to water. Watch your children at all times when in and around the water and ensure that everyone wears a proper-fitting life jacket. The information on this page and its links will offer essential information that will help you, your family, and friends have a safe, enjoyable recreational experience at our projects.

Bobber the Water Safety Dog says "Wear It"

Bobber the Water Safety Dog says Wear Your Life Jacket

Practice Water Safety

Play it Safe