Senator Sanders Poll


A proposed tax on carbon emission would reduce the use of fossil fuels that contribute to climate change, encourage U.S. companies to move to cleaner forms of energy use, increase efficiency of existing fossil fuels, and help develop new technologies. Individuals and households would receive rebates to reduce or eliminate the impact of this tax on their energy bills.The revenue raised would be used to help invest in clean energy technologies and solve our budget problems.
Do you favor or oppose this proposal?
Favor, strongly
Favor, not so strongly
Oppose, not so strongly
Oppose, strongly
Last year was the warmest in recorded history for the United States. The 10 warmest years ever have all occurred within the past 15 years. Do you think these records are more likely the result of changes in the climate related to the burning of fossil fuels OR are more likely the result of factors like random weather variation?
Fossil fuels
Random variation
If nothing is done to reduce global warming in the future, how serious of a problem do you think it will be for the United States; very serious, somewhat serious, not so serious, or not serious at all?
Very serious
Somewhat serious
Not too serious
Not serious at all
How much do you think the U.S. government should do about global warming: a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or nothing?
A great deal
Quite a bit
A little

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