Joint & Combined Integration Directorate


America is heavily engaged in a global war on terrorism.  We face an extended conflict against an irreconcilable and highly adaptive enemy.  At the same time we are changing the Army.  This endeavor will demand an unprecedented degree of joint cooperation; all Services must move beyond joint interoperability (the assurance that Service capabilities can work together smoothly) and even beyond joint integration (collective efficiency and tempo).  To gain the right force structure mix one that is capable of meeting the breadth, depth and longevity of this challenge throughout the range of military operations (ROMO) the Services and Defense Agencies must achieve joint interdependence

Joint interdependence is a purposeful reliance on other Service capabilities to maximize their total complementary and reinforcing effects, while minimizing their relative vulnerabilities in order to achieve the mission requirements of the Joint Force Commander (JFC).  The prerequisites of a commitment to interdependence are: a broad understanding of the multiple strengths and limitations of each of the Services capabilities, clear agreement on how those capabilities will be integrated in any operational setting, and absolute mutual trust that, once committed, they will be employed as agreed.  Building this trust and understanding must begin early in institutional settings and then be reinforced by operational experience for all leaders.