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Management Development Centers
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Our Customer Service office maintains a full-time staff to assist Agency managers in choosing the best possible path along the Leadership Journey for their managers and leaders. We are standing by to provide in-depth seminar information, assistance in matching courses to specific Agency needs, and help in the registration process. Each of our Account Registration Specialists is assigned specific agencies to work with, so we develop thorough understanding of your agency’s leadership training and registration needs.

Contact Information

  • Customer Service Office
    U.S. Office of Personnel Management
    239 Lowe Drive
    Shepherdstown, WV 25443
    Phone: (304) 870-8008
    Toll-Free: (888) 676-9632
    Fax: (304) 870-8078


Leadership for a Democratic Society Program

    Customer Support Office Manager/Billing Inquiries

    Each agency has an Account Registration Specialist assigned to assist with their Leadership Development and Training needs. Please refer to the listing below to find the name of your agency's Account Registration Specialist.

    National Sales Center Agency Representative
    Administrative Office of the US Courts Karen Wall
    Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Karen Wall
    African Development Foundation Karen Wall
    Agency for International Development Karen Wall
    American Battle Monuments Commission Karen Wall
    Antitrust Modernization Commission Karen Wall
    Appalachian Regional Commission Karen Wall
    Arch. and Trans. Barrier Compliance Board Karen Wall
    Architect of the Capitol Karen Wall
    Arctic Research Commission Karen Wall
    Broadcasting Board of Governors Karen Wall
    Central Intelligence Agency Joyce Reedy
    Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Karen Wall
    Commission of Fine Arts Karen Wall
    Commission on Civil Rights Karen Wall
    Committee for Purchase from Blind/Disabled Karen Wall
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission Karen Wall
    Consumer Product Safety Commission Karen Wall
    Corporation for National and Community Service Karen Wall
    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Karen Wall
    DC Pretrial Services Agency Karen Wall
    Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Joyce Reedy
    Department of Agriculture Kimberly Fernon
    Department of Commerce Kimberly Fernon
    Department of Defense Joyce Reedy
    Department of Education Sheri Griffith
    Department of Energy Sheri Griffith
    Department of Health and Human Services Kimberly Fernon
    Department of Homeland Security Joyce Reedy
    Department of Housing and Urban Development Sheri Griffith
    Department of Justice Sheri Griffith
    Department of Labor Sheri Griffith
    Department of State Sheri Griffith
    Department of Transportation Sheri Griffith
    Department of Veterans Affairs Kimberly Fernon
    Department of the Air Force Cynthia Grantham
    Department of the Army Cynthia Grantham
    Department of the Interior Sheri Griffith
    Department of the Navy Cynthia Grantham
    Department of the Treasury Kimberly Fernon
    Environmental Protection Agency Karen Wall
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Karen Wall
    Executive Office of the President Karen Wall
    Export-Import Bank Karen Wall
    Farm Credit Administration Karen Wall
    Federal Communications Commission Karen Wall
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Karen Wall
    Federal Election Commission Karen Wall
    Federal Housing Finance Agency Karen Wall
    Federal Housing Finance Board Karen Wall
    Federal Labor Relations Authority Karen Wall
    Federal Laboratory Consortium for Tech Transfer Karen Wall
    Federal Maritime Commission Karen Wall
    Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Karen Wall
    Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Karen Wall
    Federal Reserve System Karen Wall
    Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Karen Wall
    Federal Trade Commission Karen Wall
    General Services Administration Karen Wall
    Government Accountability Office Karen Wall
    House of Representatives Karen Wall
    Institute of Museum & Library Services Karen Wall
    International Organizations Karen Wall
    Interstate Commerce Commission Karen Wall
    Library of Congress Karen Wall
    Merit Systems Protection Board Karen Wall
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration Karen Wall
    National Archives and Records Administration Karen Wall
    National Capital Planning Commission Karen Wall
    National Counterintelligence Executive Joyce Reedy
    National Credit Union Administration Karen Wall
    National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Karen Wall
    National Labor Relations Board Karen Wall
    National Mediation Board Karen Wall
    National Railroad Passenger Corporation Karen Wall
    National Reconnaissance Office Joyce Reedy
    National Science Foundation Karen Wall
    National Transportation Safety Board Karen Wall
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission Karen Wall
    Office of Government Ethics Karen Wall
    Office of Personnel Management Karen Wall
    Office of Special Counsel Karen Wall
    Overseas Private Investment Corporation Karen Wall
    Panama Canal Commission Karen Wall
    Peace Corps Karen Wall
    Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Karen Wall
    Private Organizations Karen Wall
    Railroad Retirement Board Karen Wall
    Securities and Exchange Commission Karen Wall
    Selective Service System Karen Wall
    Small Business Administration Karen Wall
    Smithsonian Institution Karen Wall
    Social Security Administration Karen Wall
    Trade and Development Agency Karen Wall
    US Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board Karen Wall
    US Government Printing Office Karen Wall
    US Holocaust Memorial Council Karen Wall
    US International Trade Commission Karen Wall
    US Senate Karen Wall
    United States Postal Service Karen Wall