Guest Blog: Addie Mae Collins & Head Start Program

Oct 26, 2012 Issues: Education

The following blog/article was written by Diane Collier, Addie Mae Collins Board Member- Community Relations and Vice Chair Community Board 11-East Harlem in recognition of National Head Start Month:

Addie Mae Collins.bmpFor 47 years, Addie Mae Collins has been serving low income East Harlem families.  The organization began under President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Project Head Start initiative, as an eight week summer program for children entering the NYC public school system in the fall.  We have subsequently grown to a year round program - using the Head Start Creative Curriculum and Performance Standards to provide our students with comprehensive experiences designed to stimulate and foster their cognitive, social, and physical development. We are currently serving 206 children in (3) East Harlem sites:  110 East 129th Street, 345 East 101st Street, and 2322 Third Avenue.  There are 54 employees ranging from certified Early Learning Teachers, teacher aides, social service workers, nutritionists, and administrative staff.

Our premise has been simple and best reflected in a quote from our Executive Director Diane Spann, an Addie Mae alumnus; “…We exist to inspire and stimulate a love of learning in children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old and to help their families. We strive to create friendly classroom environments and inspire learning by creating memorable experiences to children that reside in socio-economic underserved communities.”

Addie Mae Collins has an educational curriculum that ranges from Reading Teams, Sign Language classes, Books for Kids, Science and Math fair, culture day where children learn to appreciate diversity, soccer, golf and a variety of basic life experiences. Obviously, this premise of creative yet fun learning is successful as shown in the smiling faces of the children and parents particularly at graduation, returning alumni some who are now parents with children of their own, and community volunteers and sponsors who respond overwhelmingly in our public activities.

The most significant factor in the success of Addie Mae Collins has been the collaboration betwixx the parents, volunteers, and the community. And no better was this exhibited then when all sites had to be ready for an Oct 1st school start.  This past summer, the NYC Early Learn Initiative awarded Addie Mae Collins the 2322 Third Avenue site which added 100 children to our Head Start program. Community volunteers and local contractors worked in conjunction with the staff to get this site ready to pass inspection. We are truly excited by the potential of this site to expand and provide new services to the community.  There are (3) new playgrounds, a garden/park, huge kitchen and several huge storage areas that can serve as community facilities, and/or new classrooms.

Addie Mae Collins 1.bmpOur namesake Addie Mae Collins failed to reach her full potential as a result of that tragic event in Birmingham, Ala. Sept 15, 1963. In her name, Addie Mae Collins organization is committed to providing young children with a "head start" to set them on the path of their full potential.

We are honored that our Congressman Charles Rangel has recognized Addie Mae Collins Community Service contributions to the East Harlem/Harlem community.  We thank him for this opportunity to talk about our organization.  And as with all non-profit organizations, we welcome your active participation in the achievement of our goals.

Addie Mae Collins Community Service Inc.
110 East 129th Street | New York, NY 10035
Ph. 212.831.9220 | Fax 212.427.7461