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The High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) is the primary archive for NASA's (and other space agencies') missions dealing with electromagnetic radiation from extremely energetic phenomena ranging from black holes to the Big Bang. Since its merger with the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA) in 2008, the HEASARC's holdings contain data obtained by NASA's high-energy astronomy missions observing in the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV), X-ray, and gamma-ray bands, as well as data from missions, balloons, and ground-based facilities that have studied the relic cosmic microwave background (CMB).

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Try ROSAT 3c273 to get ROSAT data on 3c273 or chandra bii>80 status=archived to get archived Chandra data near the north galactic pole. Use quotes around targets that have embedded white space (e.g., 'ar lac').


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Latest News
  • MILLIQUAS - The Million Quasars Catalog (13 Feb 2013)
    The latest version (v3.2, 10 February 2013) of the MILLIQUAS catalog (Eric Flesch 2013) containing more than one million (1,221,803) likely quasars is now available in Browse and (within half a day) Xamin.
  • 2013 Fermi Summer School (12 Feb 2013)
    The Fermi project is happy to announce the opening of registration for the 2013 Fermi Summer School, which will run from May 28 through June 7 2013. In addition to comprehensive coverage of gamma-ray astrophysics topics, this year's program will include a special emphasis on searches for dark matter and new physics.
  • Fermi Alternative Observing Strategies (12 Feb 2013)
    The Fermi project and the Fermi Users Group are considering the possible implementation of alternative observing strategies that might more effectively facilitate specific science objectives, e.g., a desire for increased sensitivity to flaring sources in the northern hemisphere, or monitoring sources near the galactic center. These are only a few among many possibilities and community input is sought.
  • XSPEC 12.8.0f Released (07 Feb 2013)
    Released February 6, 2013. Fixes a bug in the plot_goodness command...
  • XSPEC 12.8.0e Released (06 Feb 2013)
    Released January 31, 2013. Updates to PyXspec: interfaces for the parallel and statistic test commands...
  • Australia Telescope Large Area Survey (ATLAS) E-CDF-S 5.5-GHz Components Catalog (05 Feb 2013)
    This table of 142 radio sources and components detected with the ATCA at 5.5 GHz in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (from Huynh et al. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 2342) is now available in Browse and Xamin.
  • New Fermi Science Support Center Flare Database (01 Feb 2013)
    The FSSC is pleased to announce a new resource which is a compilation of flares derived from LAT aperture photometry light curves. Any sources found to be in a flaring state will be shown on a special page.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2012 11:30:53 EDT